Is there a right or wrong way to pray????

 Beautiful Saturday morning to you, can't believe it is already 63 degrees out and only a little sprinkle of rain this morning! I SLEPT IN, the first time in a very very long time that I have done this, usually I am up at 6 but today I slept until 8...kind of makes me feel a bit off, but I guess my body was in need or I would not have:) 
This morning sitting out, enjoying my coffee and my alone time with God, I asked, Father what can I do today to make a difference? Will you guide me where someone needs a friend, where someone needs a shoulder, where I can use my eyes to see what you need me to see? The very first thought that came to me was PRAYER,  I felt such a peaceful calm come over me, I knew at that moment that I am making a difference by praying, that all I need do is follow him, ask people to join me in prayer as I am doing, pray often as I do . I love how he answers with that warm wonderful calm. It took me a very long time to understand prayer, when I first started praying it was mainly for blessing food, the words were very rehearsed and had no thought or heart in them at all. I only did it because I saw other people do it. One Thanksgiving, about 15 years ago, I was a manager of a motel here in Utah, I did not have any family here and managing a motel is a 24/7 job so Megan and I were planning to dine alone, we had a lot of construction workers in for a job and they too were going to be without family so I took it upon myself to invite anyone who wanted to come, I bought a huge turkey, made an abundance of sides and deserts and lo and behold they came, my apartment was full of hungry and grateful men and women who were missing home as much as I was. I remember asking one of the men to bless the food and that blessing forever changed my way of prayer. He prayed as if he were in conversation with his best friend, he was not ashamed that his words brought tears to his eyes and a quiver in his voice as he asked mercies. At that moment, I knew just how powerful a prayer could be, and this was just a dinner blessing! I could not wait to try it out. That night I laid down in my bed and began to "chat" with God, it was amazing, it was warm, it was electrifying, it was received,....etc..... I have prayed many prayers since that day,  then one day at church I was asked to close the meeting in my woman's study class, I was chastised for the way I prayed, my reply was " I pray the way I am most secure with and you pray your way", if my way is not pleasing to you and your ways, then I shall respect you but I will continue to pray in my own way. I was never asked to open or close a church meeting with prayer and I never was asked after that  to pray at any other get togethers. I was told my prayer was not formal enough to address our King of Kings. I continue to pray in the same fashion today, I bow my head,  relax my mind, feel all of his holiness around me and begin to "chat" with him, he has never not been there, he has never scolded me that my words were not proper enough, that I was using the wrong grammar, that I was stumbling on my words and jumping from one thing to another, he has always listened, he has always given me tummy butterflies and warmth when I was figuring out answers to question, (those I take as his answers) he never laughed at me, he has held me when I have come to him feeling totally lost and alone, he has laughed with me when I have reveled in mighty works here on earth, he has comforted me through long nights when I was ill or in pain....IN A NUTSHELl, he is my best friend, he is an awesome father, I can tell him anything and know that he will help me figure it out.  I am so honored to be able to pray with and for so many, I know that prayer is the direct line of communication we need to get us through all things, I know here  that his service will never be shut off for non payment, that he will never be out of a coverage area, that it is never to early or late to make the call and that he will not ignore my call due to him being busy. My love to each of you and lets keep this beautiful prayer circle going, I know it is making a difference in so many's lives. God bless you with joy and laughter this day!!!

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