through the eyes of a CHILD, how sweet the spirit!


 Wow, it is hard to believe that it is already August, we have not even had summer yet and in only 4 weeks will be beginning our fall here! It seems the older I get the faster the days go by....isn't it supposed to be the opposite! But you know they say, time flies when you are having fun, so keep on keepin on, because I AM having fun:)
     Today my 4 year old G-babe will be going to vacation bible school, this will be the first time she has ever done anything that even resembles this, the only time she has been away from mommy and daddy at the same time is when work schedules over ran and she had to be tended for a few hours! She talks alot about going to school and was so excited last night as we talked about how the day would look! She is a very strong minded little tyke and bedtime is not joyous for either she or her parents, in fact it is down right maddening! Last night she was told about today and I told her that she would need to get to bed early so that she could get up, dressed, hair prettied, and belly full by 8:30 a.m., I told her that she would need to be in bed, lights and television off by 10:00 p.m., the report I got was that she laid on her bed at 9:30 watching television and when she was told it was 10:00 she hopped up, turned the television off, and crawled in under her covers and closed her eyes! I do not know if she stayed in her room as she many times gets up in the night and goes to mommies bed! But I know she is super excited and I have no doubt that she will have the best time in the world! She is my little prayer warrior, she watches me pray and sometimes she asks me if she can pray too, I will tell her of specific needs and she will run around head tilted toward heaven, praying to Father in the sky, at the end she will stop and say in her sweetest little 4 year old the name of Jesus...AMEN! She is such a sweet little spirit and I know father God is smiling from ear to ear. I would ask a special little prayer for my sweet Dakota this morning as she makes her way out into the world, I ask God to hold her close not allowing her to be afraid, to keep her mindful of others and to teach her respect of the teachers. In the name of Jesus Christ our savior, amen!
     May this day allow you to see the world as if from the eyes of a child, instead of pre-assuming that the Monday will be hectic and crazy! Children wake up each morning with wonder and welcome in their hearts as they run eagerly to meet their next adventure, may you run to the next adventure expecting good things not assuming that the day will be bad! Positive energy produces positive energy! God forth and conquer and know that our Father in heaven is with you each step of the way, he has some amazing things in store for you, all you need do is have faith, believe and let him guide you down the path! Love to each of you my dear family and friends, know that each new day holds promise of love and joy, you only need allow it! God bless and keep you:)


Dawn said...

Want to talk about satan not wanting a bunch of sweet special spirits going to learn about Jesus! The freeway at our exit is flooded to the doors and has been shut down! We will not be defeated and we will press forward using an alternate route! We may be late but we WILL be there:) Ain't nobody gonna break our stride we are moving closer. Pray for our safe travel please!!

Dawn said...

we made it safely, I was worried she would back out once there, but she was ready to jump out of the car, her mommy took her in, got her name badge put on and was going to walk her into the room when she said..."mommy, I have my name, I will go in by myself" mommy came out to the car with crocodile tears in her eyes....

Dawn said...

the babe is now home, she had an amazing time, is so excited to go back tomorrow and she said, MIMI, they told me something I already know, I said what is that Kota, she said they told me who God was and that he loves me!!!! I just love this little girl so so much!!! She then said, I remember MIMI "I have to make the good choice and go to bed at 10 tonight so I can go learn more about God" Out of the mouths of babes....