being your best when you're not with the rest......

Good morning and happy 10~11~12...I pray this day is filled with only good things and that you know you are loved, appreciated, and lifted in prayer each and everyday for provision. When I ask God to provide for you I am asking him to see your need and allow you comfort from the storms in your life. I am asking him to place a staircase on the side of the mountain you are climbing, to place a bridge across the troubled waters you have found yourself swimming in and to lower the hurdles you are jumping to ensure that you will land safely on your feet after the jump. I have seen time after time when I felt there was no way out, that I felt that it was all for naught, that I felt that I was not loved and that God did not care about me...then BOOM, things changed, they were made better by someone lifting me in prayer. Today if I can touch your heart with anything it will be my testimony of prayer....I know if we lift prayer, seal it up, and hand it over to our Savior Jesus Christ that it will be forwarded straightway to our Father in heaven. Prayer is the most powerful gift we have been blessed with and it is the only way to be sure that our needs WILL be met. Won't you join me today in getting on bended knees and praying for someone in need and don't forget to pray for yourself, God loves hearing from us, he loves having one on one communication and he loves that we trust him enough to share our fears and concerns with him...Take time out today to pray I know you will feel so much better once you have done so. Remember you are important, you are special and you are loved!!!!

When I was a member of the Latter Day Saints (mormon) church, a phrase that often times caught my ears was "jack mormon" or "mile or more mormon" one day I asked what these terms meant and was told that they are people who are excellent members of the church as long as they are within a mile of their ward ( home church area) I found this to be funny at first until I saw it with my own eyes. We lived 18 miles for Salt Lake City and one day we went in to Salt Lake to  watch a baseball game at the BEEZ stadium when I saw a very attractive lady wearing a mini skirt and vest...the vest not having the usual shirt you would wear under. There was cleavage oozing out the top of the vest and a very trim little waist showing where the vest and skirt did not quiet meet. I was amazed to find that this lady was one who held a position in the relief society (sharing time for adult ladies in the church) that was part of my own Sunday services. I was shocked to see that just because she was not within close proximity of our ward that she felt it was alright to dress in a way that is not pleasing or taught by the church...this outfit was sure not modest! I remember thinking does she not think God can see or recognize her when she steps out of her area? How can people be like this...I confess I do things at times that I know are not pleasing to our Father in heaven, the biggest is losing my cool and spouting off curse words as if I were a sailor...(funny term..curse like a sailor???) I find myself repenting for my mouth more than I care to...ugh...But really what are we doing when we go against what we know is right??? We are hurting ourselves and we are hurting Father God. We have to be Christians at all times, we have to hold fast to the rod in our faith and be examples no matter if we are inside our homes or a hundred miles away from home.. We are not allowed to pick and choose on what day, when, and where we will be faithful children of God..We have to be this way at all times. How can we expect to enlighten people to the ways and love of God if we are living with multiple principles and standards. I vow today to change my ways, to bite my tongue until it bleeds before I spout out ugly words, I vow to walk with the light of Christ shining out of my heart so that others can see just how beautiful his love is. I ask you to join me in this quest....I ask you to allow Christ's light to shine from your very heart so that others can come to know him as you do. It is our job here on earth to share HIM with those who don't know, with those who have pulled away, with those who are confused and lost...So lets join forces and put on the armor of our Father in heaven and allow all who cross our paths to know we stand firm and are not ashamed to say we are HIS blessed children. 

May this day be an awakening to each of us who do have a different side when we think no one is looking....In Jesus' beautiful name I pray for strength, patience, mercy, grace, favor and blessings. Amen

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