What do" I" want for CHRIST~mas

Good morning and happy Saturday....the countdown is on, only a few more days and we will celebrate the birth of the Great I AM, we will pay homage to the one who we owe everything to, to the one who paid with his very blood to give us eternal live, the one who, due to his sacrifice, has given us hope that there is eternal life! What a beautiful day Dec. 25 is each year when we can sing happy birthday to Jesus. 

Yesterday someone asked me "what do you want for Christmas?" I have not really had Christmas with gift giving in many years, my life has taken a path where Christmas is just another day...NO it is not just another day it is Jesus' birthday and that is the celebration for me! I am not trying to gain sympathy as I write this, I am just trying to explain me! I have always been about the CHRIST~mas season, have always gotten wrapped up in the gift buying, the giving, giving, giving and a few years ago...well 5 to be exact that all came to a halt, days came when I just wondered if we would have enough to eat that day! God has provided for us by giving us people who love and care for us, he has given us a way to keep our noses just above the water, he has allowed us food on a daily basis and a place to lay our heads at night that sheltered us from the cold and storms. I have become very humble and have come to realize what life is all about, it is not about the brightly decorated packages, it is not about the cozy fireplace, the warm cocoa, the gourmet meals, it is about "just enough" to get by on! As many of you know I am the great "worrier" I always have been, worrying about what everyone else was going to do to get by, giving all that I had to make sure that others had "enough" I have been a giver all of my life and have never taken second thought as to what the effect would be on my own life in giving more than I rightly had to give at times. I tend to worry now about having just enough to get us from one paycheck to the next...if we have enough for our bills and gas we feel so very blessed, if by chance we have enough for groceries on top of this we are in hog heaven so to speak. I dreamed last evening that people out of the blue started sending me money pak numbers (we don't have a bank account so we rely on the money paks to place money on our green dot card to pay our bills). and I was so overcome with joy that I awoke crying, I could pay my bills without worry if there would be enough and my heart was at peace...that is what I wish for Christmas, just enough to have my bills paid for one month with no worry as to whether we will have gas for the next two weeks, enough to be able to go to the grocery store without feeling guilty for buying a box of pop tarts..yes they are one of my favorite foods...LOL. Enough for me and my husband to go to McDonalds and have a dollar burger and fries! That would be a joy for me and Wayde...just to have "enough" In 2013 I pray that all of my friends and loved ones suffering health issues be given comfort from their pain and peace in their hearts. I pray for all who are suffering addiction to be able to lay down the drug and find freedom from the addiction, I pray for all who are lost to be touched by someone who is found and to be given hope that they too can be found, I pray for all who are having relationship problems that they find joy in their lives, that they come together and find happiness, I pray for all who are struggling financially that they be given hope of a better tomorrow, I pray for my daughter, son in law and the kids that they be given peace and joy,  I pray that Wayde's job will afford him more hours at work, that I will be given disability so that we have that bit extra to ensure we make it, that we are afforded better health and that all of the ones I love have "enough" as well. I pray that there is peace in our country, that these ridiculous shootings cease and that the government starts to take care of us here on home land instead of concentrating so much on the ones in other countries. I pray that there is joy in our lives, that we are surrounded by the ones we love and that there is good health for all. Father God I come to you this day giving thanks for the wonderful dream I had last night for just a little while my worries were turned to calm, I come to you giving thanks for the job that Wayde does have for it allows us to become closer to meeting our needs. I come to you giving thanks for allowing me to have access to the internet so that I can pray where there is specific need and share with others the words that you need me to share, I come to you giving thanks to all of the wonderful readers that come and share with me on my blog and I come to you giving thanks most of all for the sacrifice you made so that we all can have eternal life if we choose to live the way you have planned for us to! Father I ask that you bless everyone reading this is with joy of the CHRIST~mas season, with much love and laughter, with "just enough" In the name of Jesus Christ I ask for favor, mercy, grace and a never ending supply of abundant love. Amen. 

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