Baby John's special prayer.....

"I said a prayer today for Jesus to help my mommy get better. I folded my tiny hands just like I see my family doing. I am such a big boy! Daddy told me he is seeing tiny improvements with mommy every day, but it's going to be a long hard road. Well, daddy and me got our combat boots and we are ready for that road! I am praying for a miracle for my mommy to wake up! Will you pray with me? Can you do me a big favor and ask your friends to pray with us? Thank you!
-Love, Baby John"

We have been praying for Baby John and his family since we first came across this story. I ask that you all please continue to pray for this sweet family. God has blessed them with tiny steps of improvement for his mommy and we are standing on our faith that this "sleeping beauty" will open her eyes, reach out lovingly for her baby boy and come back to full strength and health. Father God so many are praying faithfully, we fall upon our knees daily and have faith that you will bring Baby John's mommy back to him and his daddy. Please bless this family with your loving, sheltering arms and allow them knowledge that she will return to them and their lives will be filled with love and joy. In the name of Jesus Christ we ask for this blessing and favor. Amen.

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