Find balance in your life and know peace!!!!

Good morning and happy Friday...I pray you have joy in your heart today and that you are being a joy to someone in need! 

This morning in prayer I thanked God for allowing Wayde to have overcome the flu and to be heading back to work, I would have loved for him to be able to stay in and rest for the weekend, to gradually build his strength and to be 100% for next work week, but the bills continue to grown and need to be paid so off to work he went! Thank you all for your prayers for us, this is just another validation that God does hear us and he does answer when we ask. God is good all of the time!!!
This morning I feel compelled to write about the sanctity of the home. Is your home a safe haven and a "hot mess"? I see people that have so much clutter in their minds, who are constantly in turmoil, who are on edge and never able to sit still...I often wonder how their houses look, is there clutter all about, is there no calm areas, if there disarray and confusion? Is your vehicle clean? Is there trash in the floorboards? Is there grit and grime on the dash and on the console? Is the outside layered with dirt? I sit and wonder, how can there be balance in your life if your surroundings are filled with such mania and unrest. I cannot go to bed at night unless my house is in order, Lord knows I have enough going on in my life to have to wake up doomed...if I leave things undone before I retire for the evening, I awake feeling as if the world is against me, as if I am in the same rut as yesterday and as if things will never get better. If I allow things to pile up during the day I begin to feel claustrophobic, I begin to get cranky and I feel as if my life is a mess. I know many of you work to provide for your family, to pay the bills, to make your way...many will say to me, but I don't have time to clean, I don't have time to keep balance in my home, in my vehicle, in my life....I can understand that as well, that you are tired at the end of the day, that the last thing you wish to do is to come home and work some more...but I am sure there is a way as well, ask your family to help you, give assignment to each of them and then be consistant in making sure the assignments are carried out and completed. I promise you if you begin today in taking steps to get things  in order, to get the disarray organized and ordered that the feeling will leave you amazed. I promise if you take the extra time in the evening to ensure that these things are done that you will begin to see that the wake up is more peace filled, that the morning routine is more pleasing and that your family is balanced. Little things such as this can make a huge difference, and as time goes by your family will begin to see the difference and they will actually be glad to help, they will love the harmony within the walls of their safe place and the family unit will be stronger and happier! When you are clean on the outside it gives you more time to be clean on the inside, your thoughts will become more clear, your mood will become happier, your days will become joy filled, and love will be all about you.  I pray that you take time to look around and see if where there is need and that you will take the necessary steps to get it in order, your sanity depends upon it..LOL! If you know of someone who is overwhelmed and seems never to get ahead, how nice would it be to rest your hand upon their shoulder and ask them gently if you might help them find the balance they so desperately need! Giving not only lightens the load for those in need but also brings joy to ones self. I like to think that when I am helping selflessly, I am securing another brick for my house in heaven...who could use a few more bricks! (raising my hand) and eager to help where needed! 
Although there is not a quote in the Bible that states "cleanliness is next to godliness", the Bible is very expressive in several scriptures that He want his people to be clean. He is more concerned about our inward man being clean then the outward. But here's the thing, when your inward man is clean then it produces outward cleanliness. It becomes irritating to live in a filthy state when you have become cleansed on the inside. There is a scripture in Matthew 23:26 that says, "Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also." Jesus was saying what point is it for the cup and platter to be cleaned on the outside while the inside remains dirty. So He said to clean the inside so that the outside may be clean as well. This is proof that He would like for us to be clean internally as well as externally, which means that cleanliness is next to Godliness.

Have a beautiful day today, and remember there is a rainbow at the end of every storm....

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