How can you get up if you have never been down???

Good morning and much love to you:) It is a very cold Sunday morning here in Utah, 
In prayer this morning as I sat looking at the hazy skies through my front window, I thought what a drab, sad day it is! Not sad in my heart but greatly in need of some sunshine and warmer temperatures. I pray this Sunday is one that will touch your heart, that you will feel loved, that you will feel appreciated and that you know you are "worth it" Don't forget to fill that tank, you never know how much"gas" you will need to get you through the week! You are loved!!!!

In speaking with God this morning I was brought to tears in thinking about all the goodness in my life. Sure I struggle, I get down and depressed, I fall...fall.....falll! I get up, I dust myself off and I walk forward....until I fall again! Life is all about learning from the "fall" when we are babies we do not automatically get up and walk, it takes try after try to get our balance and to take those oh so important steps, what do we do? We take a few and then boom we are back on our bums and starting all over again. Yes once we get our balance we begin to take more and more steps until we hit something uneven and then back down we go...It is not easy but eventually we master it and then we are off and going. Life is all about falling, if we did not fall we would have no need to be here on earth, we would have stayed as spirits in the spirit world. We had to come down here to learn and to progress so that we could prove to our Father in heaven that we are worthy of living in paradise, that even when we are out of the spirit world, and have received our physical bodies and live here on earth, that our main focus and reason for being is HIS love. We are here to deal with problems, to fight against satan and to grow and share our spiritual love with all who cross our paths. We have to have difficulties so that God can see what it is we are made of, just how tough we are and if we really would do anything to get back to stand by his side. We see others that do not seem to have struggles, we look at some who have the "perfect" lives, I have come to realize that no one here on earth has a "perfect" life, they struggle, maybe not in the way I do, but still they struggle. Some people are just better at hiding their problems, some stuff them repeatedly in the closet so others will not know that they to worry, have fear, are anxious, are walking on broken glass! We look at them and think "only if my life could be like theirs!" I know I have done this many times with many people, I have in a way put them on a pedestal and strived to be like them, only to find out that they have a closet full of ghosts and skeletons and sometimes there closet is fuller than my own. I have learned not to wish for someone else's life, not to try and be something that I am not and to be humble in all things! Today I ask you how in the world can you say you have gotten up if you have never fallen, and please don't even try to say you have never fallen because we all know at some point in your life, you have. What matters is that you did get up, you dusted the seat of your pants off and you took the next step. Today I ask you are you on the floor, have you fallen on your backside and feel that you cannot heave yourself up? If so , raise your hand in the air, ask God to take it and lift you from the ground, but as you are being lifted don't forget to look at the reason you are down there, don't forget to evaluate to see if there is something you can do so that you do not hit the floor again for the same reason, ask God to show you what you must do to avoid tripping on this "rug" again so that you can show him you learned something on your way down....LIVING and LEARNING, is what our purpose here is....Now that you are up on your feet, you have given thanks for the new lesson you have learned and you are in forward your eyes and be ready for I have no doubt there is another snag up ahead that is just waiting to knock you back down...the great thing in all of this is that when you have Christ in your heart, you can expect to fall, but you know he will always be there to offer a hand and pull you back up. As long as we are on this earth we will have hurdles to jump, we will have pot holes to dodge, we will have mountains to climb....I am just so thankful for the knowledge that I have, wind beneath my wings to lift me over those hurdles, I have skills to avoid those pot holes and I have a Savior that will always place steps on that mountain to help me up and over....I am blessed, blessed, blessed to have this knowledge! Onward and Upward my loves, onward and upward!!!

Psalm 40:2-3 - "and pulled me from a lonely pit full of mud and mire.  You let me stand on a rock with my feet firm, and you gave me a new song, a song of praise to you. Many will see this, and they will honor and trust you, the LORD God." (CEV)

Jeremiah 8:4-5 - "The LORD said: People of Jerusalem, when you stumble and fall, you get back up, and if you take a wrong road, you turn around and go back. So why do you refuse to come back to me? Why do you hold so tightly to your false gods?" (CEV)

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