Prayers for Justin, Please take a moment and join us!!!

Prayer warriors we are in need of some mighty hefty prayers!!!

Please take a moment to join me in lifting a sweet young man who has been in a horrible accident...

"His name is Justin Potter. Last Sunday he was riding his motorcycle when he saw a car headed for him. He jumped off of the cylce in hopes of avoiding the accident and the car hit him directly. He had part of his intestines and his spleen removed. Currently his intestines and his aorta are clamped waiting for repair. These are the injuries that they are currently aware of: broken pelvic and vetebrae damage (do not know yet the extent), broken femur and tibia in leg, bleeding from muscles in chest area (has already received 25 pints of blood), broken ribs that puctured his lung, his body is still so swollen that they have not been able to stitch him up nor have they been able to determine where his bleeding is coming from due to his instablility. The doctors are anticipating surgery this morning at 11 if he remains stable enough. He has been having trouble with his blood pressure and last night he had started running a low grade fever. He is an exceptional young man and the entire town is ralling around him. Gods work will be done in his time, I am sure. Thank you so much for sharing this on your blog. I will let the family know."

Father God we come to you on bended knees lifting sweet Justin in prayer, we are told that his body has been damaged severely. Every bit of him has sustained damage, he is hurting and is battling to make it through this storm. Father we ask that you will lay your hands upon his body from the tip of his head to the tip of his toes, that you bring forth an amazing healing for him. Father hold him in your love filled arms providing him with the peace in his mind that he needs to accept the healing, cradle him providing him the calm he needs in his heart to allow you to fill his body and bring forth this miracle, Father take the pain he is in and replace it with comfort in all affected areas. Fill him with strength the same as a mighty warrior would have in the battle of his life, secure in him all that is needed for him to pull through and to begin the healing process. Father we do not understand why things such as this happen but we do understand that you will never allow us to go through it alone. Literally hundreds are standing in wait with a prayer in their heart for him, if it be your will Father allow each of us to see your hand at work, allow us, through prayer, to touch his heart and allow him to feel the love that so many have for him. We are standing on our faith Father, we are humbly praying for mercy, favor, and blessings. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen...


Anonymous said...

My grandson Doug has been healing since April from a motorcycle wreck with a drunk driver. I will pray for Justin just as people have prayed for Doug. Doug was in really bad shape like Justin is, but has made great strides - still has many to go. Bless all of you as you go through this with him.

Dawn said...

thank you so much for the prayers, and please know we will pray for your grandson's complete and total healing! God bless you!