URGENT, URGENT, URGENT...prayer request!!!!

"For all the prayer warrior that saw my first post this morning about praying for Bethany. HERE THE UPDATE PLEASE PLEASE LIFT THIS CHILD UP IN PRAYERS.
They took her to Texas Children's due to vomiting and diarrhea and they have found tumors on her liver and I believe one has burst. She also now has a blood clot close to her heart. Whatever you are doing please stop and pray that the Lord heals Bethany and is with her and her family during this difficult time. Prayer continually without ceasing..."

This was placed on facebook yesterday, we began praying and praying for this little one, the newest post is that she is now in surgery....

PLEASE, get on bended and knees and ask God with me to bless this little one with the strength that is needed to get her thought surgery, for the will that is needed to keep her going and healing, and for the love of all around to be filled with hope and faith that she will indeed pull through all that she is going through and if it be God's will a miracle will be seen by all. PLEASE pray without ceasing and I will update as soon as I have word that she is out of surgery. God bless each of you for always standing in the gap where you are needed. You are truly a blessing in the lives of so many! Prayers from all over the world, prayers from so many....I know that mass prayers produce miracles!!!!! 

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