What can I do for you today? What can you do for others today?

It's Saturday morning and all is well in my world, even though the haze has taken over where the sun should be and the cold has taken the place of yesterday's warmth, it still is well in my world. We are cozy in our little box apartment, the birds continue to play around on my porch and it appears that the little nest they have been working so diligently on is nearing completion and soon there will be the commotion of little peep peeps when the eggs are hatched..I love that I can be witness to the new life that will soon grace me with more sweet songs...I have yet to see a hummingbird, but I am sure they will be migrating this direction as soon as our temps get a bit warmer on a regular basis...either way their feeder is hanging in wait of their sweet little bodies to come and partake.

In prayer this morning I could not kneel, the best I could do was get from the bed to my chair as the weather change has my joints screaming for relief...looks like it will be a painful day but I will still sing praises to our Father in heaven for allowing me another day to rejoice in his name and praise his mighty work here on earth! Pain, pain go away, come again another day...LOL

As I sat in the quiet of my home, the only sound I could hear was the sweet hum of my refrigerator, how nice it is to sit in the quiet and give all the thanks to God for my life...granted, it is not the life I envisioned for myself at the ripe old age of 51, but it is a good life, I have unconditional love from my precious husband and from my daughter and hopefully from my grandson...I have love of friendships that never cease to amaze me, I have love from my Eternal Father in heaven which keeps me going each and every day. I have shelter, I have food, I have warmth and I have joy in my heart. I am able to pray for those in need without fear of punishment, I can speak out loud of my love for Jesus Christ without fear of persecution, I have media to keep me connected with my family...I have water in which to clean my body and I have clothing to wear...If we look at the big picture, don't I have all that I need? 

Yes, I would like to be making monthly payments on a home that would one day be mine, I would like to have a vehicle that did not have almost 250,000 miles on it, I would like to have extra money at the end of the month to go on a date with my husband, I would like to live closer to my daughter so that I could be a part of my grandson's life, I would like to have nice clothes that were not thread bare, I would like to have steak in my freezer instead of hamburger hamburger hamburger...I would like nice furniture, a flat screen television, maybe even a television in my room where I could rest and still be able to watch the shows I enjoy..I would like to have a lot of material things that I do not have...but what really are they??? MATERIAL THINGS, things that would provide a better comfort for me, but still when it all comes down to it...what are they? MATERIAL THINGS,  I always think of that saying..."'you can't take it with you when you go" I would love to have money in the bank that I could give when there was time of need for others, all I can give is prayer...in my life I have always been a giver, I have helped anyone that was in need many times putting myself on the back burner...I have always been the one to give service to others when there was need, laboring on housecleaning, yard cleaning, helping people move to a new place, tending their children, cooking meals when they were unable to, taking food into the house when there was none....but now my life does not allow me those abilities..I have had to be the one taking instead of giving and boy does it stink!!! I would much rather be the giver. I know that it is not about what you can give, only about the love in your heart, but still I would like to be able to give back now....I sit in this chair or lay on the bed off and on all day long, my body hurts to a point that I could just cry most of the time....but still I am thankful, if my body is hurting I am alive, if I am crying I have feelings, if I am praying I am asking God for help for those in need, If I lay down at the end of the day with contentment in my heart I know I have honored God and am on the right track, I am loving...How are you sleeping at night? If you lay there wrapped up in the stress and drama of the day, if you lay there feeling guilty for the should have dones and the should not have dones, maybe it is time for you to begin to back down a little bit, maybe it is time for you to take a new direction, maybe it is time for you to reach out and take God's hand and ask him to show the way, ask him what you can do to make needed changes in your life, ask him to show you who is in need and what you can do to help them...look around is there someone in your life that is in need? Has the everyday chores of life become overwhelming to them, is there anything you can do to make it better. each morning I ask God to direct my path that I might be needed and each and every day he does....I am honored many times throughout the day with people coming for special prayers, someone asked me if I got tired of praying...REALLY who could ever get tired of talking to their Savior? Not me, I love it and like I said I am honored....

In closing I would like to say to each of you, there is more to life than having the best, there is more to life than outdoing the Jones' there is more to life than having it all....life is about sharing , it is about giving, it is about loving, it is about laying down at night and knowing you have pleased your Father in heaven with your actions that day...Take a break today, spend extra time with your family, put down that work you are doing, lay down your lap top, stop the housecleaning and take some time for yourself and your family....don't get caught one day looking at all the times you should have and now you can't...
It is always a good day when there is love at home!!! Give the gift of time today, it is a precious gift, one that you will never get back but one that will mean the world to someone....Put down the stress and the drama and be a giver today!!!

My prayer for the day, won't you join me???

Dear Lord, I thank You for this day.  
I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning.  
I'm blessed because You are a forgiving and understanding God.  
You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me.  
Forgive me this day for I have sinned. 
I ask now for Your forgiveness.  
Keep me safe from all danger and harm.
Let me start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. 
Let me make the best of each and every day 
and give my best in all that is put before me.  
Clear my mind that I can hear from You.  
Broaden my mind that I can accept all things.  
Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over.  
Let me continue to see sin through God's eyes
and acknowledge it as evil.  
And when I sin, let me repent, and confess my wrong doing,
and receive the forgiveness of God.  
And when this world closes in on me, 
let me remember Jesus' example --- 
to slip away and find a quiet place to pray.  
It's the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits.  
I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart.
Continue to use me to do your Will. 
Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others.
Keep me strong that I may help the weak.
Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others.
I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way.
I pray for those that are misjudged and misunderstood.
I pray for those who refuse to share a word from You.
I pray for those that will read this and not use this in their lives.
I pray for those that will delete this without sharing it with others.
I pray for those that don't believe.  But I believe.
I believe that God changes people and God changes things.
I pray for all my sisters and brothers.
This is my prayer; I pray in Jesus' name.

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