Chose your words wisely, make them mean something to someone!!!!!

GOOD MORNING on this great gettin' up Wednesday, I pray you are all peppy and ready for a great day in HIS beautiful name....

Good morning, I pray you are ready for a great day on this beautiful Wednesday....

Look at both of the sentences and see if you can feel a difference in the energy??? I wrote the first one as the into to my blog today and then GOD impressed upon me to write the second one without as much zest and zeal and ask you if you could feel the difference in what I was writing...since you are not right here while I am writing this I will have to depend upon you to leave a comment and let me know!!!

Sometimes we can alter the way we feel just by changing a few exclamation marks, just by changing a word or too or just in the way we stress it...The first sentence I wrote is how I feel right this very moment, and I captured it with zest and zing, the second pretty much says the same thing but is quieted down and not as full of zeal!

In prayer this morning I was feeling a bit sluggish, I took my coffee out on the porch and sat there for a few moments without thought, just sipping and listening, I asked God if he would sit with me for a while, that is how I start my every morning, "God will you join me as I sit here, will you tell me what it is you need of me today and will you reach out and gently nudge me with your guiding hands so that I might be aware enough to see where there is need?" As soon as those words came from my mouth I felt his spirit begin to rise up in me, my heart began to beat fast, the songs the birds were singing grew louder and before I knew it the sluggish was gone and I was energized...I knew that firstly God had given me much needed strength to get through the day, he was in a sense validating that what I have already planned was a good path for me and that I would be able to make it without tiredness or struggle. I asked him again if he would send to me someone in need of my uplift and inspiration and I have no doubts in my mind that he will..HE answered me just as he does daily and I will walk in his footsteps today never to question "come what may" but to make the best of each situation and to make it with joy in my heart! THANK YOU Father God for always, Always, ALways, ALWAYS, guiding me to the place where you need me the to sit back and see where it is that I end up, filled with eager anticipation!!!

Today I would like to share a story about just this thing, "its all in the way you say it!"

A blind man sitting on a corner with a sign that says "I am blind, please help." random people pass him by some giving a nickle and dime as they walk he sits there a person stops in front of him and lifts his sign into her hands, turns it around and begins writing on the back side, he reaches down and feels her shoes, confused as to what she is doing....the lady walks away without a word...soon money is being handed to him, handfuls of coins dropped down in his can sitting in front of him...later the same lady stands in front of him again, he reaches out feels her shoes and says..."what did you do to my sign? she replies...."I wrote the same just different words!" as she walks away we are allowed to see what has been written to inspire others to give so freely...

think about your words today, are they encouraging, are they uplifting, are they filled with sharing  the joy in your heart, or are they lifeless words that really mean nothing to anyone else..???



Unknown said...

Loved your blog for today! I read your opening sentence with excitement and zeal!! As I read the second sentence my spirit fell a little and my words were kind of sluggish. So neat! I definitely needed this and I will strive today and every day to be careful with my words! Have an AWESOME day with Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior today Dawn! <3 ya girl!

Dawn said...

Vicki, I so wish you had been there when I was writing it, I felt the spirit come over me and guide me with it...amazing feeling!!!