I'm proud to be an American!!!!

   Happy start of the holiday weekend, I love seeing all of the wonderful posts and messages regarding the true reason we celebrate Memorial day. God bless our men and women in service, for so many years they have held the US in their hands, giving us protection, freedom, peace, and security, no matter where they spend their time while enlisted, they are our heros...God bless you, one and all for giving selflessly so the we continue to be free. Each morning I sit outside (weather permitting) and at 7:30 on the dot, I am blessed to hear the trumpets playing the morning call, this is something I have come to enjoy so very much, living close (very close) to an Air Force Base is wonderful, seeing our military in fatigues, in full dress, right here working to keep us safe gives one such a sense of safety! This weekend I hope and pray that our hearts will be filled with prayers for our soldiers, for the ones on the front lines who are met with adversity and with malice, who have to be mindful every second of every day, who stand with nothing but protection on their minds, who suffer the elements, who are willing to give their lives so that our country can be kept safe and sound. I hope that, if you have angst over the war, that you will not place that feeling on our soldiers but on the ones who have ordered it to be so. I hope that if you pass a soldier that you will take time of yourself to thank him or her for all that they do for us. It is sad that we must have wars, it is sad that with all of our technology that we cannot figure out a way to have world peace, it is sad that there is so much greed in the world that people want more, more, more...In a perfect world this would not be happening, but as we all know this is not a perfect world, but one that we are here to learn from, that we are here to choose good from bad and to earn our bricks for our homes in heaven. So today I stand, and honor all of those brave souls that get up each morning with nothing but protection on their minds and with selflessness in their hearts. Let us band together and pray for them each day, lets pray for the ones that gave their lives for us in battle, for the ones who have been injured in battle, and for the ones who stand here on American soil ready to join their overseas comrades when they get the call. 
   Our merciful Father in Heaven, I bow my head humbly asking that you be the blanket of security and safety for each enlisted man and woman, that you be the shield they need to keep them from harm. Allow them to feel our love and our thanksgiving for all that they do for us. I ask that you be with each of the families that have lost their sons and daughters, their fathers and mothers... that today, right at this very moment you allow them to feel a huge outpouring of love, and gratitude from all of us! May they continue to keep us safe and with freedoms, in the name of Jesus Christ I say these words, amen.
   May this weekend as you celebrate this special time, that you take time to say special prayers for all of them....love in Christ's beautiful name! 

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