Good morning and happy Tuesday, 44 degrees here, a bit breezy and amazingly beautiful skies,  cotton ball clouds are as far as the eyes can see. God, our master painter, has outdone himself this morning, the blue is vibrant and only a color that he could create, the clouds gently moving passed only to be followed by more, it looks as if they have been airbrushed with many different shades of white, really can there be many shades of white? Yes I can see them!!!
   I received a host of prayer requests yesterday, and many different in a sense but alike in many ways, there is just so much woe in us these days, there are so many people out of work, so many working but not making near enough to meet their needs, so many relationship problems, marriages after many years are being dissolved, long term friendships are being broken, cancer is finding its way into our loved ones bodies, into our own bodies, children are running amuck, friends and loved ones are being put into dangerous situations, stresses are taking the place of calm, depression is slowly whittling down faiths, frowns are taking the place of smiles, nay, nay, nay thoughts are at the helm, leaving little or no room for clean thoughts, trust in man-kind has dwindled...in other words...satan is working really hard to destroy what we know is truth, he is barreling in like a tornado himself, trying to destroy each one of us..the closer we get to the end of days...he will be working overtime to ensure that he become victorious in getting us to turn from what we know in our hearts is right and become a follower of darkness! Thank God in all of his holiness that we are given a new day, that we are given a chance to repent from those dark feelings that have been infiltrating our souls, that we are able to ask him to stand strong with us, that we are able to make mistakes and not be damned for all eternity, that we have the ability to bow our heads and through Jesus Christ be forgiven. When he was writing our books he knew what would be our most vulnerable areas, he knew that we would be weak against satan if we did not plant our feet firmly, raise our fists with faith and punch with all that we had, he knew that the struggle would be so very difficult and that we would at times begin to slip into the dark abyss, that is why he gave us the ability to repent, that is why he allows us to pray for forgiveness with true intent, that is why he forgives us. No one is perfect that is alive on earth, no one is without making mistakes having nay nay thoughts, no one is without passing judgement, no one, no one, no one... if they tell you they are...I'm sorry it is not true. As long as we are here on earth we will make mistakes, that is why we have prayer! I am sure if we pray for forgiveness for the same thing day in and day out that our father in heaven will become weary, that he will shake his head in dismay as to how slow we are in getting it right, at how bull headed we are in continuing on in the same direction, but I am sure also, that when we make mistakes, when we know deep in our hearts that we are doing wrong and we ask for forgiveness that he forgives. I am so very thankful each morning when I open my eyes that I am given another day at getting it right, that the things I did wrong yesterday can be gotten through, that I can take the wrong and learn from it, ask God for strength to not do it again and revel in the knowledge that it is forgiven. Let this "NEW DAY" be that for you, don't linger on the wrongs of yesterday, if you owe apology to someone, take the bull by the horns and apologize, if you need forgiveness, hit your knees tell God what you have done and ask for it, if you are carrying a load that you cannot carry any more, ask our Father in Heaven to take it and allow you rest, if you have fallen back on times that you thought you had conquered...ask him to carry you until you can find your feet again. Walking with satan might make you okay today, things that you are achieving today that you know are achieved in a wrong manner  might make it all seem good today, but what does your heart feel, do you know in your heart that you are taking the easy way out, do you know in your heart that the things you are doing are wrong, do you know that this is only a bandaid put on a life threatening wound???? If you do, then maybe, just maybe you need to go to the truth, follow your heart and know that in the end, your "easy" right now will not allow you to walk the golden path when your earthly journey is over. Just know, God is the truth, he is the light, he is the only way to get back to your celestial home...speak to him today through our savior Jesus Christ and allow this "NEW DAY" to be the first of the rest of your life. May this day needs be seen, may what changes needed turn you toward the light and allow you to ask God for the desires in your hearts and then may you rest in the arms of our Father God and allow him to cleanse you. God be with each weary heart that he might take it in his love filled hands and make it clean. Love in Christ my friends! 

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