Prayer for victims of the storm!

Hello and happy Thursday, it is once again chilly and damp here in Utah..our skies are filled with a gloomy haze but thank the Lord we were able to enjoy 2 days of clear and sun:) I would like to start this morning by praying specific prayer once more for all of the victims of the storm ravaged states! My heart is so sad when I see the pictures of the devastation, of the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been totally disrupted, for the ones who have lost all of their possessions, for the family and friends of the ones who lost their lives in the storms. Heavenly Father I bow my head and humbly ask of you mercy and peace, so many have been tossed and turned in the storms that have violated their lives. Father today we ask you to help in the search and rescue of those left uncounted for, father we ask that if there still be life under the wreckage that you will have the spirit lead the seekers to specific areas were there is life. Father we ask that the ones who have lost their homes and possessions, will feel your love, will know that they can overcome, rebuild, refurnish, and move forward...most of all Lord, we plead with you to allow them to feel "hope" that you are right there, carrying them, that you will be with them 24/7 father , that you will not lead them where you will not go, that you will be their shelter as they seek earthly shelter, that you will be their blanket to keep them warm, that you will be the carpenter to help them will be their everything..Most of all Father God, for those who have allowed 'their praying knees to become lazy" impress upon them that prayer has been what has pulled them through in this strom, that when they called out to you in their moments of need, in their moments of terror and fear, that you were there holding them, allow them to see that prayer is the vehicle we all are given to communicate our all with you, and urge them father to continue to seek you through the word, not only in moments of intensity but in all things, in happiness and sadness, in heartbreak and heart warmth, in tears and smiles...Father I say this prayer, I seal it up, and I lift it to you for I know that through my Savior Jesus Christ all prayers are answered. Amen.

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