Who am I????

    So many, over the last few years have wondered, WHO I AM, why do I chime in to offer prayer when someone is in need, why do I always seem to be in the prayer circle, I know that God lands us where we need to be at the time we need to be there, I know that if I listen to him and follow his lead that my prayers can make a difference, am I a minister???NO!! I am a mere servant of our Father in heaven, I try each day to be where he needs me to be, I offer comfort in his name, I lift prayers for those in need and I love, love, love him with all of my heart
    When people find that I live in Utah, one of the first question asked of me, "are you a Mormon?" In answer to this question, I was baptized into the Mormon church in 1996, I love the principles and the gospel of the religion, I love the tenants and the teachings: however over time I came to realize that I did not love the hypocracy and the drama, I like to praise the Lord with neither of these so after several years I opted not to be an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints, the LDS church or the Mormon church whichever you choose to call it. During the time I was a part of this religion I did learn many things, I did connect with my Heavenly Father on a much more intimate level and I did personally learn what I had hungered for, for so many years of my life. Since leaving the LDS church I have attended many churches and although I liked many parts of each one I attended, I never felt fully satisfied. I will continue my quest to find the one that I fit with, but until that time I study where I am most comfortable, I honor God as the head of my household, I hold him up as the Lord and master of my life. I love God with all of my heart and soul and try each and every day to honor his name. I have also been referred to as a "Jesus Freak" whatever that may be??? If declaring my love for him makes me freaky I am glad to be a "freak." I am just a normal person, I love my life, I love my family, I love my friends, I try to live my life each day as God would have me live it, I try to feel the needs of others and if nothing else I listen when they need an ear, I lend my shoulder when they are in need of strength, I offer my services in anything that will help to ease their problems. I am not perfect, I make mistakes and sometimes really make bad choices in life, but I never deny that God is there for me to allow me to atone and give me another chance at getting it right. When I offer prayer for anyone in need, I do it with true intent in my heart and with love. I honestly believe that prayer is a powerful tool and that God listens to each and every one, I understand that all things are his will and sometimes we feel he does not answer our prayers, but I know that he does answer each and every prayer, maybe not the way we expect but for the best. I will never deny him in my life, I will listen to him and try my best to honor his wishes. 
    I am a ChrIstian, I do not think it takes a named religion to make me what I am, I do not think that I will be punished for not belonging to any particular church, I think no matter where we worship our Savior that we are blessed with his love and goodness. 
    My prayer for you today is that you are strong in your faith, that you honor God, that you show him each and every day and in everything you do that you love him,that you have trust in him and that you try to the best of your ability to be like him, always let the golden rule "do unto others..." be on your mind. Take time each day to make someone smile, to feel empathy for someone who is going through a rough time, remember that your problems are not the only problems in the world! When I awake each morning I pray that God will place me where I am needed and will give me knowledge as to what he would have me do to help in that place! May this day bring warmth to your heart, place a smile on your face and allow you to feel the love the he has for you, open your arms and welcome him into your life! 

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