Sorry for the delay in getting my evening call to prayer posted, I was on a little date with my boyfriend (blushing) and the time seems to have gotten away from me! I pray that all of you that began school today had a day filled with joy, that you enjoyed it and that you came home ready to go again tomorrow! I pray for the teachers, that they might be filled with hope of a new group this year, of a group that is ready to learn, whose core values are in place and who have supportive parents to help throughout the school year! I have one special prayer request tonight and would like to post it here as it is very important and a prayer that no doubt is being said by many educators....
Pray for us big people, too!! More work, less staff, larger classrooms, but still required to fufill all those UNFUNDED governmnet mandates.
I know this issue is really becoming much more difficult to have to deal with, as in many things in life, the work load gets more intense, the world begins to spin out of control but no assistance is given, we are to make do with what we have, or even have less but continue the quality in which we do our jobs. I pray that your love for the children, your vow to teach and your faith can bring you through the mess, I know that God has a special place in the heavens for those who give of themselves for his children. God bless these educators with a break, give them an abundance of blessings for being the people they are. I pray that we all keep our eye on the prize, that even though the world becomes push and shove that we cling to what we know is right. I love each of you and know that there are better days a' comin". Hold fast to the rod and never lose focus on what give you the ticket to paradise! I ask all of these mercies in the name of our savior Jesus Christ, amen.
As always please go to the comment section and feel free to let us know of any specific prayer requests you have, we stand ready to lift those in need in prayer many times this day! God is love, he is merciful and if we go through our savior Jesus Christ all of our prayers will be answered.
Please pray for a special friend of mine, he has made some poor decisions and is in jeaopardy of loosing all that he has worked for for 18 years, he has become twisted in a very unhealthy relationship and was pushed to his breaking point...he is in dire need of understanding. Please pray that the judge is patient and can see the good in this man, please pray that he be given another chance and not lose all that he hold dear. Thank you for your prayers!
I bow my head humbly and pray that our Father in Heaven might have mercy on whatever is going on with your friend, may the judge be understanding and not take this mans hard work and duty to our country forgranted, may your friend see that there is never a need to get into a situation that would cause him to lose so much and ask God to guide him down a path that will keep him in good graces. I pray that he see the error of his deeds and humbly pray for forgiveness, to repent and to never make these type of decisions again. I ask mercy for him Father in Jesus' name, amen.
Ladies, if you don't mind, please add me to your prayers tonight or tomorrow morning - I'm have a chemical stress test done Tuesday morning and would really appreciate it!
Asking our Father in Heaven to hold this lady in his arms and calm her fears, asking that he heal whatever it is that she is being tested for and let the tests come out clean and clear. Father we come to you with the knowledge that all things are possible through you and our savior Jesus Christ, please hear our prayers. AMEN!
Prayer Requests : Have a couple Praying for a few of our family, who are being attack from the enemy and we so need to pray for our family of God, and I will stand in the gap for the two that God but on my heart, and of course when we do so we get attacked, will I did I have a bad ear infection, but pain and all devil I am still standing.
praying for you this eve, asking God to stand in front of you and shield you and yours from the evil wiles of satan, he does know when he is sinking, when he sees the obedience to our Father in Heaven, when he hears us proclaim our love and devotion for God he throws himself at us, God stand and keep us on the straight in narrow, Bless this wonderful family for living according to the gospel and knowing when to call for special prayer when they can feel satan kicking on the door! God answer that door and tell satan to get behind thee! I ask these blessings in the name of Jesus' beautiful name, amen!
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