Oh MYLANTA ( my signature phrase) I am late again!!!!!


 I am becoming famous for being late in posting my blog, I apologize!!! Today I was not feeling very well, laid down in the afternoon and just now am waking up! If you know me, I am not one to sleep for many hours at a time so usually 4 or 5 hours per night is all that I do, I guess my lack of sleep caught up with me today; along with this raging kidney infection..and I slept and slept and slept!
     Tonight I will keep it short, I will ask you to join me in prayer for our nation, for all of the states affected by need for rain, by need of cooler temperatures, by need of preparing for the hurricane...etc. I pray that if you had a day of "negative" that you have by now blown it off, prayed for God to take it and are now looking forward to a new day! I pray that if you are struggling from illness, are suffering depression, have any impurity in your body... that in rest this evening you will ask God to lay his hands upon you and provide you with peace and comfort, that you will turn all of your fears and worries over to him and know that he will no carry them allowing your body to begin to heal. I pray that if you are lost or feeling alone that you will ask God to be your guide, that you will ask him literally pick you up and carry you to the place he needs you to be. I pray if your faith is lacking, if you have doubt, that our Father in heaven will touch your heart so that you can see he is the beginning and the end. I ask all of these blessings, mercies, and graces upon your heart right now, this very moment, in the name of Jesus our Lord and savior, amen.

As always please go to the comment section and feel free to let us know of any specific prayer requests you have, we stand ready to lift those in need in prayer many times this day! God is love, he is merciful and if we go through our savior Jesus Christ all of our prayers will be answered. 

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