Let the "w's" go and BELIEVE!

       Good evening and happy ending to Thursday! Today has been a good day,  it is difficult when people are angry with you and you cannot make it better! The "I can't seem to please everyone"  is one of the most difficult lessons I have had to learn in life...once my daughter deemed me a "peace builder" I found that this is not the greatest of jobs, there is no way to please everyone all of the time, I had to learn to please me, to do what I know is right and to not let the little things get me down.
      I pray this night that if you have been facing struggles that you HAVE reached out and been a seeker of God, that you have prayed with true intent and decided to let God guide you through the struggle. It is one of the hardest of all of the lessons we must learn and the more I talk with people the more I learn that it IS an issue in many, many of us! Sometimes I get asked..."how can you give so much of yourself something that you cannot see, someone you cannot hear?" It is pretty simple, I have believed all of my life  and I have never doubted! I know that God is there, I have been witness to much to many what many call coincidences...I don't believe in coincidence, I believe in God, I believe in his power and his might. I believe in God's healing hands, in  his mercy and his blessings. I believe in his book of life for me and I know that if I continue to walk in Christ's footsteps that things will always fall into place. I pray for each of you who are stuck in the "who", "what", "when" and "where" or as I call them the "w's"  of God, that tonight you will let that all go and just believe!
   Let us continue to pray for all of those in special need! Mass prayer produces miracles.! Do you know anyone who is in need of one? Special prayers for a special lady friend of mine, may this month be the month that you become pregnant, I pray this each day and I know that God has a mighty plan for you and yours! In Jesus name I ask mercy and blessings upon all, amen.

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