loving the quiet calm of the evening and spending time with my three favorite guys:)


Happy Sunday evening, wishing each of you well and praying that your day has been one filled with much love and joy, I pray that you spiritual tank has been filled today and that you are again ready to climb the highest mountain with ease, that you are ready to jump the highest hurdle without no fear, that you are ready to wrestle a tiger with the knowledge that as long as you have God on side you overcome anything! Only you can allow you to be defeated! Attitudes are the key to "winning" no matter the score...if you have the right attitude you are a winner!
     Today has been a wonderful day for me, we had a very quiet, rest filled day, and then we had my two favorite Wayde sons over for dinner, we had marinated chicken breast, potato salad, green beans, marinated zucchini, and fries for those who do not like the salad! None of my guys were fans of the zucchini so I go to feast upon it all by myself:) I love having the boys over, they are so refreshing, they are so honest and gentle. I love, love, love them to pieces! It is a very nice evening as we sit out on the deck, our dogs laying at our feet only bothered by passer byes out for an evening stroll, the mountains are beautifully graceful in the distance, standing so tall and clear, the green quickly fading to my favorite of all favorite fall colors! The night breeze is gently blowing and I can hear CCR in the background singing Who'll stop the rain....thinking of my friends in Texas who would not even consider doing so, if they had any rain to speak of! I love my life, and am so happy to be where I am right this very moment, if given the chance I would not change one thing about the here and now!
     I come to you in plea for prayer this evening, the wildfires in Texas a reeking havoc upon the already sun and heat parched lands, I pray fervently for the rains to come and extinguish the fires, to soak the land, to seal closed the cracks in the ground, to give nourishment to the trees, grass and gardens. I tease about doing an indian dance but think I will no longer tease and get out there and being shaking my booty;) ( scary thought) Please continue to pray for the residents of the gulf coast with all of the flooding, to pray for the folks along the eastern seaboard dealing with the ravages of Hurricane Irene. Pray for your neighbors, for your family, for you partner, for your children...pray, pray, pray and when you are done pray again! I am seeing such wonderful things happening, I am seeing miracles each day and am hearing such wonderful endings to rough beginnings! Prayer is the answer my friends, I stand witness in my personal life and I will never cease! I know many of you feel the same zeal and zest as I do and I thank you for praying with and for me! God is great, I wish you peace in heart, comfort in body and calm in spirit this evening. God bless  you and yours abundantly:)

As always, I invite you to pray with me, to come and get "on bended knees" and join us. If you have special need of prayer, if you would like for us to pray for you, click on the comment section and leave us a message! We would be honored to pray with you!!!! Love to all:) 


Anonymous said...

Some of you are aware I lost my grandson today...he died on the way to the operating room! he was giving his organs to other children to help them to live when he died of cardiac arrest! his name is devin and he was 3 to help with his fund please go here and, his email is devin.drake08@yahoo.com to donate!

Dawn said...

Father in heaven we ask that you stand for this family as they struggle with the loss of little Devin, father hold them as a parent holds a weeping child and provide comfort that only you can provide, draw them in to you and allow them to feel the beat of your heart, allow them to draw strength from you and allow them the knowledge that one day when they are called home that little Devin will be there to greet them, arms open wide and smiling from ear to ear. Father comfort them as they grieve and repair the part of them that is broken. In the name of Christ our savior, amen!