Prayers for a better day, we are promised and I believe!!!


      Good morning from chilly Utah, there is a bit of a wind this morning making our 59 degrees feel much cooler, sitting outside is just a titch uncomfortable for me, even in sweats and my "Betty blankie" My hands got cold trying to type so I decided to give in and come back inside into the warmth of the house! I have now thrown open my window shades and am allowing the sun to shine in, I have a nice view of the sky, nothing but blue there, not even one little cloud drifting by. Indeed it is a beautiful morning:)
     I have several special prayers this day, to go along with my every morning prayers. I would be so honored to have you pray with me! First it was requested that I pray over an adoption situation, a wonderful couple has been praying for a baby for so long, finally the day has arrived and now the adoptive mother and father both are having second thoughts! Please ask God with me to impress upon each of the adult hearts that what matters is the baby, which ever the decision, let us pray that this baby will be loved and tended, will be given the teachings of the gospel and will be raised in a home that provides for all of its earthly needs. Second, I have a little friend who is being blessed with a new baby in a little less than two months, the baby has decided she would like to make an early appearance, please join me in lifting both baby and mommy in prayer, I ask God to lay his calming hand upon the baby to ensure she rest inside until the day comes that she is stronger, that he lay comfort and peace in the mommy's heart that this baby will be born healthy, that she will be strong both in body and in spirit. Third I pray for a young man in Nigeria, he is feeling the calling to be in a musical ministry to share with the world, he is in need of assistance to get the band started, I pray that his value and talent will be recognized that he will obtain what is needed so that he can share his talent with the world, fourth, I have a friend who for the last eight years has struggled with her husband being in a nursing home due to a car accident, their children and herself have faced such struggles even as bad as losing a home in fire. She is feeling really lost in the shuffle right now, she is being both mommy and daddy to 3 children and is struggling with health issues of her own, the finances are no where to be found and she is feeling very defeated, I pray that something makes her smile today, that a grain of hope will spark a wildfire within and that she will recognize that satan likes nothing more than for us to wallow in our own pity! God please give her strength to pull out of the dark and recognize the light! fifth, I was told of a family who lost their teenage daughter after a long battle with cancer, please join me in prayer that they know the truth that one day they will be reunited and she will be whole, cancer free and that their reunion will be amazing, ask with me for God to calm, comfort and give them peace in their hearts, and lastly I ask special prayers for a friend who is having difficulty with a child, he is rebellious and seems to have no regard for anything or one as of late, my friend is at her wits end and is feeling overwhelmed and so very tired! I ask God to give her a new insight today, to give her the ability to communicate with this child on a level that he will understand and see what he needs to do to avoid trouble. And please let us never forget to pray for one another, for our friends and families, for understanding, for strength to carry on and for a never ending source of faith and love. Pray for our soldiers both on local and foreign soil that they feel the love and respect we have for them in the sacrifices they make each day so that we have freedoms. Pray with me for our country, that it might turn for the better, that God will be allowed back into governmental offices, ceremonies, schools and in all places that we might know he is standing as a shield keeping us safe from harm. I continue to pray for those suffering illness, rehabilitation, depression, financial woes, addictions, undefined anger, for those who are stumbling around in the darkness feeling they will never again see the light and for those who have waned if not lost faith! There is a better day coming my friends, it is promised to us if only we believe and accept Jesus Christ as our savior.
     May this day be filled with hope for you, if you are facing a struggle, awaiting an answer, feeling lost and alone, there is a solution....join me "on bended knees" give it over to God and know that he will handle it for you...the one thing to remember..once you give it...DON'T take it back!!! Have faith in all that you do and know that he is the beginning, the end and all things in between...what a gift that is in itself, knowing that someone always has our back if we believe! God bless you with grins and giggles this day, know that you are loved and that you are very special:) I love you!!!

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