Some of God's greatest gifts are "unanswered" prayers!!!

        Hello and happy, happy Monday! It is a very happy day for me as I stand witness to the wonderment of answered prayers, to miracle upon miracle that I am seeing happen personally! Some of you might say or see things differently, as you come in need of special specific prayer and the outcome is not as you expected you assume that God did not answer that prayer! When someone comes in request for prayer for a sick loved one, we pray for God's will to be done, we pray for peace, calm and comfort for that individual and for the family! I, have seen the sweet beauty in the passing, and I have thanked our Father in heaven for the blessing, he has a plan for each of us and when that plan includes needing us in the eternities at a specific time he comes for us and on angels wings takes us home. To me this is not an unanswered prayer for his will is done, our loved one has "made it" they have passed the tests here on earth and are going home to continue service there! The last thing any of us want to endure is the loss of someone we love, the last thing we want to go through is the "missing" them, the heartbreak and the pain of them being "gone" I know that physically they are gone, but we have life here on earth with them to remember, we make memories each day that we wake up with and have the wonderful blessing of storing those memories in our hearts! The pain of no physical touch is hard, the anxiety of walking without them is heartbreaking, but the knowledge that this is but for a very short time, that we will be together forever in heaven is the greatest comfort of all...not "goodbye" only "until we meet again" So many here are suffering and struggling with illness, they have fought great battles and are tired, when they pass it is sweet comfort to me to know they are no longer hurting, they are no longer in the battle, they have won the war and are where we all strive to be in living a life of righteousness and holding to your faith. So don't ever feel that prayers are not answered, they might not be answered the way you want them to be, but still they are answered! God is amazing, he is the beginning and the end and he is LOVE!
     Today I pray that you have peace in your heart, that you have calm in your spirit and that you have comfort in your body. I pray that if you are struggling with "life" problems that you know you can them  over to God at any given time and trust that he will take care of them. We are most blessed when we are humble, when we decide we cannot do it on our own and we ask him for help is when we truly begin to live. I pray that you see the wonderful gift of miracles all around you, the birth of a child, the release of a suffering loved one, the healing of the injured, the sunrise, the sunset and all the beauty that lies between those two points! I pray for the leaders of our country that they come together and realize that the very change they are toying with is tearing us down, that they need to put God back into the picture and follow the tenants that our  forefathers set. I pray for mother nature to bless your lands so that you can again build and regrow. I pray for those struggling with addiction that they might see the lighthouse and come through the storm, I pray for those suffering from financial woes that there will be a new hope given you today! I pray for those who are abused that they reach out and take God's hand and allow his strength to be their own,  to pull away and be safe. I pray for you, God knows your specific need and he is, as we speak, touching you with his love. In the name of beautiful Jesus, I ask these blessings and mercies, amen. 

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