Good morning to everyone! I am a little later this morning, not because I slept later but because I had so much prayer time! I never know the length of time me and Father God will spend in chat until it is actually in action, some days it is five minutes and some days upwards to an hour. This morning it seemed we had so much to say, so much crossed over my heart and there was much that I needed to absorb so that I knew the meaning of what he needed me to do! It is awesome that when I pray, pictures of people flash into my mind and I always know they are the ones needing extra prayer, they are the ones who really are in need of special, specific prayer...I do not know the circumstance of their need I just know I see their images and ask God to bless the needs of their hearts! I never question why, I just lift them in prayer and know that my heart feels pure when I do. On days when images come into my heart I also make contact with that person just to let them know I am thinking of them and that if they are in need of anything I am here. Many times I have never met the person but it does not deter me in letting them know that someone cares! Have you ever said...."---------- has been on my mind so much today, I wonder what is going on!" I know I have, I used to see these images and just kind of acknowledge them in my mind but never take a step to let the person know I thought of them. One day I had the image of a person off and on during the day and was filled with wonder why? I did not take the steps to call or inquire...later that evening I found out my friend had committed suicide, I know now that God was trying to impress upon me that she was in need, but I did not do my part. I was left feeling responsible for her death, even though I knew in my deepest senses that I was not responsible, I still felt like I had neglected a call for help. I do not neglect that now, I take it and run with it, when I see images or a person is heavy on my heart,,,,,NOTHING can stop me from letting them know I am here, I care and that I love them! Think of the times you have not taken time to make contact with someone who has been on your heart...for whatever reason! Today let us all use the power of our conversations with God,  and the promptings from the Holy Spirit and act when something is impressed upon our hearts. I pray that you will fine tune your channel with him so that you can clearly hear when he needs you to take action! God is amazing and if we allow him he will guide us in each step we take...STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN to what he has to say, what he has to show you and revel in the knowledge that you are important enough for him to care! God bless each of you this wonderful Wednesday:)

As always if you have special prayer needs, if you would like to share a story of God impressing things upon your heart, if you would like to add a prayer or if you would like us to pray with or for you...leave a comment. Some say they are not allowed to leave a comment, please either email me at dawfor@msn.com and let me know or contact me on facebook! I have been trying to get the issue here on blogspot resolved but am having a tough time in doing so. If you have gmail or yahoo you should be able to comment any time! Thank you all for your support and love! 

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