Good evening my friends, what a great day for my blog it has been, it has had more hits today than any other day since I began. When I started this blog I asked God to allow me to touch the heart of 1 person in need, just one I asked and then I would know that I was doing my part in spreading his beautiful love! Since beginning my blog people in countries all over the world have come and read the words I write, many have thoroughly surprised me, and I have had so much positive feedback here in the United States that I have no doubt that this is what our Father in heaven is prompting me to do and I know also that he is using me to be a vehicle for spreading the words he so needs to put into writing!
Today there are so many prayer requests, mostly for the heavens to open up and pour healing rains upon the burning and drought stricken lands of Texas, many for strength and safety for all those involved in trying to contain the fires, so many prayers for the ones who have lost possessions, who have lost animals and those who are struggling with the losses of loved ones due to this travesty! I have prayed all day for renewed faith, for those who may be looking up and blaming God for all that is going on! A good loving father would never put his child's hand over an open flame to teach him that fire burns! Likewise, God is our father, and as any good father, he only wants to teach us using good instructional methods to protect us from harm....not cause it. Matthew 7:11. It is not God we should be blaming, it is our adversary the devil or satan who causes these things. 1 Peter 5:8 says, "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." and in John 10:10 it says, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy." "I have come that they may have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Never doubt his love for you, never think he wants anything but good for you, always remember it was his son that he sacrificed so that you might have everlasting life! I also have had many requests today for prayer outside of the fire arena, there are several who have lost loved ones today, one who was hit and killed on a bicycle, several who have been taken to the hospitals with threatening conditions. We must never neglect to lift all prayer requests to the Lord, I feel if a person is humble enough to come and ask for prayer, it is our duty to honor them by doing so. God bless you all each and every one! In the name of Jesus our savior, amen.
Please, I invite you to leave a comment, if you are unable to do so please let me know via or on my facebook Dawn E. Ashley, there are some problems with commenting and I have worked fervently on it trying to find resolve! Praying it works for you!
Please pray for Danny Anderson's brother, Darrin Shane. He has a large clot in his left ventricle and they are giving him clot buster protocol to break it up. This makes a stroke, heart attack, or pulmonary embolism very possible. Transporting him in this state is not good. He is in Sweeny Hospital. Thanks so much!
Our father in Heaven we come to you "on bended knees" and ask that you lay hands upon Darrin Shane, that you wrap your hands around the very clot that is in his left ventricle and as the medicine begins to break it apart that you contain it and eradicate it so that it travels to no other areas. Father we know that your will be done and we know that the power of prayer is a mighty tool, bless him Lord, bless his family and his friends in seeing the miracle of you, the amazing, sweet, miraculous love of you Father. We ask these blessings and mercies in the name of Jesus Christ our loving brother, amen.
Please keep my twin granddaughter, Kaylie, in your prayers. Sara and myself are taking Kaylie to Tx. Children's Hosp. ER in the morning. She had a Barium Enema and x-rays last Friday at Brazosport Hosp. and we are taking all of that information with us. Kaylie has a bowel impaction and we want her to be seen by a specialist at TCH. We plan to stay there until she is seen by a pediatric gastroenterologist and is diagnosed as to why she is having this problem. She has been having problems for a year now. Her pediatrician has referred her to TCH but the process takes up to 2 weeks before she can get an appt. with a specialist. Thanks.
Our merciful and loving Father, we bow our heads humbly and ask that you will take this loving baby into your arms allowing her to feel your love, your heartbeat and your will for her to live, Father allow your breath to be her strength. I ask that you place your hands upon her father and heal any places that are troubled. Father she has so much to learn here, her family has so much love to share with her, so many things about you and our Savior to teach her, she is loved by so many. Father God we fall on our knees, arms lifted toward the heavens and ask that you heal her completely so that she might enjoy a life with her twin living, learning and worshipping you. I ask these blessings and mercies in the name of Jesus the Christ, amen.
Please continue to keep Sam Poueu from biggest loser in your prayers, he is fighting hard as he may but has a vey long way to go in his recovery! Asking the very heartbeat of God to be his strength! In Jesus' beautiful name, amen
cannonball family and the lady that hit him need ours prayer !
I do not know of the person referred to as "cannonball" but he was hit and killed this morning, I lift his family and friends in prayer that they might fall upon our father in heaven for comfort and peace, Father I ask that you comfort also the person who hit him and took his life, I cannot even imagine the pain and anguish this would cause a heart. Father give calm where there is unrest, give peace where there in emotional war and give comfort where there is pain. In Jesus name I ask these mercies, amen.
Let’s make this one of the largest prayer circles ever. It will be as though everyone is holding hands across Texas and the Country. Father You said that whatsoever any two or more come together and agree and ask in Your Son's name, it shall be given. We come to you, humbly, and ask that you bring down the rain to our parched lands. God bless the families and keep them safe who are in danger of the fires, as well as our firefighters. We ask this all in Jesus' name Amen. Keep it going
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