~~~Trust~~~believing in God's promise more than in your own problems!


  Happy hump day to you! I got up a bit earlier this morning and it feels wonderful to be back on track even if only for today! It is a beautiful morning once again here in Utah, the sky is spectacular, the sun has just come up over the mountain, there is the chill of fall in the air and my heart is filled with joy!
     As I sat this morning, praying for each of you, praying for our country, our soldiers,  all that are suffering illness, all battling recovery, all fighting addiction, depression, all struggling with finances, asking God to give a special relief today, to shine the light brighter in your hearts so that you will feel his love even stronger, asking him to give hope where there seems to be none, asking him to lay hands upon each of you to allow a new joy, a renewed faith, a new attitude to be with you today! As I was nearing the end of my prayer I had such an anxious feeling come over me, one that made my tummy feel like a million butterflies had just taken flight! I asked God "please help me define this feeling I am having" I sat there the butterflies flapping even harder and could not imagine what I was missing, what he was needing me to see. I sat there for another few minutes waiting, in quiet concentration I waited, knowing he would impress upon me what I needed to focus on! Again I ask him to bring light so that I might see...longer I waited...then all of a sudden as if he literally did flip a switch my in my mind...it was a message to "trust him" I was a bit confused as I do trust in him with all of my being. I must however still need work in this area or he would not have placed it in my heart! It took me a very long time to define my feelings about things, pray for them, ask God to help me and then walk away from them knowing that he would...the empowerment I finally received when I learned how to do this was unbelievable! I will work harder to determine where I am still lacking on this subject. When he speaks to me I listen, I do not doubt as he is the teacher and I the student. Learning is what we are here to do, we must follow his lead and not question! I love each of you and pray that if you received a special message in prayer this morning that you will stand tall, face the need head on and conquer it! God gives us messages everyday.
     If you received a message today please define it and begin the journey of becoming stronger in the area that has been brought to lite, don't be like a rebellious child and turn a deaf ear, open your mind and your heart and let him help you to become the best that you can be! I love you, each and every one of you and I so appreciate you taking time to read what I write. May blessings be in abundance for you this day:) God is so very good, he is the beginning and the end and everything in between if only we will allow him to be!
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all our heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. 

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