What a powerful message in prayer this morning! I am worthy!!!!

 Good morning and happy Monday, I pray this morn finds you in a happy place, that your sleep last eve was peace filled and that the spiritual gas you filled up with yesterday will keep your vehicle on the straight and narrow the entire week long!
     In prayer this morning I was sitting out, wrapped in my favorite "betty blankie" enjoying all of God's beauty and grace, the birds were singing a delightful song and the sky a most beautiful shade of blue, there is a slight breeze and the sun shining on my face warmed my heart! I prayed my usual morning prayers for the ones suffering illness and rehabilitation, for those struggling financially, for those feeling lost and alone, for those suffering the loss of a loved one, for those having a difficult time putting one foot in front of the other. I prayed for those who have been asking for a miracle, for those who have just had babies, for those desiring to be parents who are having difficulty with fertility, for those who rise each day with sadness in their hearts, for those who are blinded by the negative and refuse to see the positive. I prayed for all that have special prayer request, for your children, for your families and for you. As I was closing my prayer I asked God to give me a message this day, if he would direct me in the path of someone in need of a friend, in need of a shoulder to lean on, in need of compassion and love or in need of feeling the holy spirit through prayer. As I was beginning to close my prayer a feeling of unrest came over me and I knew it was directed at me...I knew he needed me to examine my storm and allow him to be my lighthouse. I tend to push things to the back burner...not God...just things, when something is bothering me I tend to pray for everyone but myself. I have gotten much better in asking for specific prayer for me, but I still struggle with myself asking special favor for me, when I felt him nudging me this morning it was as if he were saying..."hello!!! you forgot to pray for yourself!!!" I sat there for a moment and thought about my needs and my hearts desires...am I really worthy of asking him for special favors? Am I really worthy of asking for blessings for ME? I asked him if it were right for me to ask for special blessings specific for me and I felt this wonderful warmth come over me, it is like the warmth I feel when I pray for others and I know he is answering the prayer, when I pray for peace, calm, and comfort for another individual and he is blessing them I feel this incredible calm come over me and I know that the person I pray for is in a good place and that the blessings are beginning in their lives! I felt this amazing, soul comforting calm and I began to cry! It was for ME. Thank you Father for always giving me confirmation as to what I should and should not do, thank  you for blessing me with the power of discernment, thank you for allowing my spirit to feel you, my soul to embrace you and my knowledge to know that Jesus Christ , the holy ghost and you are with me every step of the way in my journey...I pray this day if you are still on the fence....let go and begin to walk forward, cross the pasture and trust that God will not allow you to fall into the sticker patches, you have to let go of the fence my friends in order to begin your true "faith" journey! God's love is the best, let him love you today!!!
     I wish for you a wonderful day, a day that is filled with truth's about yourself and knowledge that it is what GOD wants you to do, aside from God who is the most important person in your life??? YOU ARE, hello, if you don't take care of you...how can you take care of others...what a wonderful realization this was for me this morning!!!! Praise God today in all that you do, praise God today for all you have, praise God today for his great sacrifice, but moreover praise God today for his unconditional love!
I came across this and love it, see proof that we should pray for ourselves!!!

5 finger prayer
1. Your thumb is nearest to you.
So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you.
They are the easiest to remember.
2. The next finger is the pointing finger.
Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal.
This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers.
They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction.
3.The next finger is the tallest finger, which reminds our leaders.
Pray for the national leaders, leaders in business and industry, and administrators.
These people shape our nation and guide public opinion.
4. The fourth finger is our ring finger.
Surprising to many is fact that this is our weakest finger;
as any piano teacher will testify.
It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain.
5. And lastly comes our little finger; the smallest finger of all.
Which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others.
As the Bible says, "The least shall be the greatest among you"
Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself.
By the time you have prayed for the other four groups,
your own needs will be put into proper perspective.
Source: Paul Ciniraj, Kerala, India

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