Are the seeds I have planted going to produce? Am I pleasing God?

 HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!  We are once again under gray skies, 42 degrees, just a titch of wind so not really comfortable sitting out! The mountains are snow capped this morning and in some areas there is snow on the ground and the temps are below freezing! I am sitting here listening to some songs by one of my favoite brothers in Christ this morning, if any one should have the key to me posting them from where I have saved them on I tunes to my blog I would appreciate the recipe for success so that I could share them with you! His voice is filled with such passion and love for Christ and for our Father in Heaven, I am comforted each morning when I listen to his spirit filled songs!
     This morning I have been in deep prayer for a lifelong friend and her son, the son made some really bad choices and due to this is facing life totally different than what he had expected. They are at this very moment standing in wait for the outcome to see if he can continue on in school or if he will have to take an alternant route in his education! I pray that each of you will have some compassion and lend some support for both of them, we have all made stupid choices in life, we have all done things without thinking of the long term effect! I look at this and ask, how would I feel if this was something my child had done, would I want people to turn their backs on me or would I believe that there is compassion in people and that they would consider track records and not just one incident! I pray that someone will be compelled to stand up for mom and son and make a difference, either way I know that God is standing there as he knows the true intent in their hearts, he knows who they are and he will protect them  and make a way for this young man to grow and flourish! Again I ask you to look at it with new eyes and imagine if it were your child who was standing in judgement!
      In prayer I also prayed for you, I asked God to provide for you this wonderful Friday a day of no problems, of no hassels, no drama...a day of only goodness and joy! I thanked God this morning for all that is going on in my life, for even with the hurdles I am having to jump and the mountains I am having to climb with each move forward I know I am winning the battle. I asked God to bless those in need with peace in heart and knowledge that he is with them and that he is the shield of strength they need to win the battle. As I began to close my prayer a wonderful message crossed my heart, it humbled me down to my knees and as the tears fell from my eyes I knew what I needed to put into print and share with whomever wishes to read it. The words that crossed over me in such a powerful way was...YOU ARE PLEASING ME! I have been facing many trials and have been feeling down and like it is all for naught, I have asked and asked and asked again am I going about life the way I should be, I know that he places people in my life everyday if only here on the computer, I know he brings us to a point where his word can be shared and hearts can be touched, he allows my faith to be the faith of those lacking, he leads people to me who are in need of someone who will pray for them and not forget when the amen is said...we remember each prayer that is said and we continue to pray! I have just been feeling like the plans I have been putting in place are in some ways hurting people I love, I am trying to lay down a line for those who come after me so that they will have peace and comfort so that they will struggle less than they would normally have...but I keep feeling like I need to move faster, like I need to shorten my plan to please people "right now"..I know that is not the plan, it is not what God is willing me to do so I have been feeling like an impish child, like a torn soul, like a confused being! When the words..YOU ARE PLEASING ME...crossed over my heart I knew they were for me and I knew the things that are happening are right on track and soon, very soon, the seeds that I have planted will begin to fruit and my labors will be food for many! God I love you and I love the fact that when I am in doubt you are there to comfort me and allow me to see that I am on track! We are our own worst enemies and we tend to beat ourselves up and shorten plans because of impatience. Thank you Father for giving me this affirmation today...I am moving forward and will not step out of the footprints laid for me to follow!
Father, I pray that you will touch the hearts of all today who are feeling such as I was feeling, touch them with the knowledge that you are pleased with them, that you will for them to keep on keepin on! Doubt is satan's playground if we allow it to be, may each of your children fall on bended knees today and feel your reassuring hand upon their shoulders! In the name of Christ I ask these blessings and mercies, amen.


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