Character is a special recipe! What are your ingredients???

Hello and happy "dancing with the stars" Monday night...guess you can tell I am a fan:) I pray that this day has been one filled with only good things and that the "dreaded" Monday monster did not find its way to you! 
God is so amazing, he never lets me down, and he has my back by  he revealing to me many times people who are not in it for the friendship but for the "what you can do for me" It is very disconcerting to see this happen time and time again! 
Character is something that I look for in everyone, you can tell the character of a person in very small actions..

Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
— Unknown

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
— Helen Keller, American social activist, public speaker and author (1880-1968)

Character is what you are in the dark.
— Unknown

What is said about your character, are you living right, is your character something that you look for in people that you wish to be around. I have been searching myself and I am a work in progress, I love me, I love who I am but sometimes I get a little twisted and have to come back down to the ground! I think the biggest lesson I have had to learn is that I make mistakes and even bigger I own my mistakes, I place no blame on anyone for my actions and I ask for God's forgiveness and for his guidance when I do begin to fall! I thank each of you for the opportunity I have to share my thoughts, I thank you for reading and for responding. God bless each of you this night with a special that he is much pleased with the character of YOU! 

Please join me in prayer this night for all those in need, may healing hand touch those who are ill, may persistance be your backbone in rehabilitation, may inspiration be your strength to overcome depression, may love be your will to keep on keepin on, may God be your reason for continued goodness and may the sacrifice and the promises be your driving force! I love each of you and ask these blessings and mercies in the name of Christ our savior, amen. 


Anonymous said...

please pray for brandon..pray that every thing will work out that Gods angels come and wrap brandon in their arms for comfort..that untill God reveals his plan for brandon that he gives brandon the hope and faith he needs to get through this storm....for Gods light to shine strong and bright at the end of this darkness so brandon may rise above this burden he has been given....that God will lift brandon up and stand him back on his feet...

Dawn said...

Prayer warriors, please stand in agreement with me and ask God to hold Brandon in his loving arms, allowing him to feel his very heartbeat, allowing him to know there is so much love for him in your arms. Pull him close to you Father God allowing your breath to be his breath and your warmth to be his, make thin the veil father and allow him a glimpse of what is to come if only he begin to walk in the footsteps that Christ has laid before him, allow him to see the promises that you have made and his loved ones who are waiting patiently for him to live a fruitful life, a life of character and a life of honor so that he will get to live with them for all time and eternity! Father be the lighthouse that Brandon so desperately needs and bring him through the storm, bless his family as they go through these trials and show them what is needed in order for them to make a difference in this young man. Father we ask these blessings humbly in the name of our savior Jesus Christ, amen.