It is never to late to lift a prayer or two!

Hello and happy end almost end of this day! I had the pleasure of dining with two of my g-babes and visiting with friends after! Outside the rain is slowing falling and the night air is filled with chill. As I write this I ask that each of you join me in prayer! So  many are in need, so many struggles placing one foot in front of the other it seems. Tonight I pray for my friends dauther who came through surgery well today but still has to battle this infection that is in her body, I pray for my friend who is suffering sadness due to loss, I pray for my daughter that the baby continues to grow healthy and strong in her body! Please pray with me for those suffering illnes, those struggling with addiction, those struck with financial woe, for our military both here and on foreign soil, for peace in mind, calm in body and comfort in spirit! I ask God to wrap his arms around each of us tonight allowing us to sleep without fit and to awake in the morning with a positive and spirit filled attitude. God bless you  and yours!

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