Be humbled in all things! God bless those "racing for the cure"

     Good morning and Happy Saturday to you:) I see in many of your posts on facebook that finally my Texas family and friends are having nicer weather! I am so happy for all of you, it has been a long hot summer now time for you all to get a break! See there IS always a rainbow at the end of the storm, a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow....etc. Sorry for being so late today, I had a special visit from my 2 G~babe boys, I love how they love me:)
     In prayer this morning I sat with my heart full of love and very humbled, as I was praying my usual morning prayers asking God to bless those in need today, to bless those who are participating in fundraisers for cancer aid and research in honor of those who have faced cancer in a battle and won and for those who fought a hard race but did not win. I know that the angels who are being honored both earthly and in heaven are smiling down today...and if a raindrops should fall upon those giving of themselves so that others might be cured, that they know it is tears from heaven! I pray that this day will be a day of quiet reflection of those who have passed, and be filled with the knowledge that you shall meet again one day in a place where there is no pain nor suffering! I ask mercy and blessings upon each of you in the name of Christ our savior, amen.
     I am including todays...FOOD FOR the noontime is soon approaching!

Today's Verse

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.
— Colossians 1:13 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

People from all over the world and from many different nationalities read Today's Verse. While our national origins and ethnic heritages are different, we are members of one Kingdom. Our allegiance transcends race, culture, language, and nation. Why? Because we've been rescued from the dominion that holds sway over race, culture, language, and nation. That dominion divides us and makes us suspicious of each other, leading to hatred and warfare. We've been given a more glorious Kingdom! We've been made into a more glorious and colorful race! We are God's children and part of the Kingdom of the Son he loves.

My Prayer...

Use us, O Father, to break down the barriers that separate peoples on the basis of temporary externals. Make us into a Kingdom of character, hope, and love. Cast all darkness out of our hearts. Shine the light of your grace through us to our world so people can see us a healing for the nations. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only true Savior of all peoples, I pray. Amen.

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