My prayer for this day! Wont you please come and pray it with me??


 Good morning and happy Columbus day! It is a beautiful morning here, 49 degrees, blue skies and sunshine, a little breezy and the birds are HAPPILY singing a most beautiful song:) I pray this morning has found you ready to face the hurdles of life, that you morning has begun without incident and that you know there is no mountain to high for God to help us get over if it is our desire! If you seem to not be getting ahead I pray you realize that the footsteps of Christ are a straight path to our Father in Heaven!
    I want to thank you all for the prayers over the last few days for my health, the cold seems to be getting some better and I am not so fearful now that it is going into my lungs! God bless you all for taking time for me and my health! Please do pray this day for the little one who was re-hospitalized with post surgical infection, she is back in surgery this morning. Father please hold this beautiful child of yours taking away all fear, lead the surgeons hands with skill to find and repair the problem so that she is returned to 100% health, also please bless her family with peace and knowledge that you are right there with each of them and that by your hand she will be healed. In Jesus name I ask these blessings amen.
    In prayer this morning I prayed for each of you, that our Father in heaven will calm the fears and anxieties of your everyday lives, that  your problems will look smaller this morning than they did last night and that you have a renewed spirit and faith that God is on your side. I prayed, sealed the prayers us and offered them to our savior Jesus Christ so that they would be heard by our Father in heaven and I closed my prayer! I did not feel any specific words cross over me, nor any specific message come into my mind. I must admit I feel a little lost without him guiding me as to what to write! So I will close this morning with an I love you and by letting you know that I am here if you have special prayer request or need for a kind word from a friend! God is amazing, he is the beginning and the end and all the good that lies in between! Don't let negative get you down today, let positive be the only thing in your world:) God bless you all! 

My prayer for the morning!
Our kind and loving Father in Heaven,
thank you for the new day. I praise you because you make all things new. You never sleep, and you are always working, demonstrating your greatness and love to us. You cause the seasons to occur. Every morning there is sun and every evening the darkness falls.
You are so reliable, and I know that you are the God of the Bible, and you have fulfilled your promises and will fulfill your promises. You cannot lie, and you don't ever go against your nature. 
I confess to you that I don't have what it takes to be a true follower on my own. I also know how easy it is for me to take what I've been given for granted. I have been richly blessed, and I'm going to be blessed more and more because that is who you are. Just as I love to give things to my child, so you love to give things to me.
Thank you for your forgiveness and that you've never given up on me. Thank you for all the second chances. Thank you for letting me have a relationship with you. Thank you for all the things I am able to do and those I am able to do well. 
Thank you for showing me areas where I've messed up, so that I can change. 
Lord God, Heavenly Father, please help me to change. Please help all of us to see ourselves the way you see us. Please help me to be serious about temptation and to run far away from it.
Please bless our days and use me to encourage and lift up others. Help my light to shine into others, and for it not to be just a seasonal thing, but something that lasts. you give me the oil in my lamp and keep it burning. I love you Lord. You are awesome indeed.
Thank you, Jesus for loving me enough to die for my sins so that I might have eternal life!
It is in your name that I pray, 

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