To me its all about the praying! Cause, thats where the blessings are!


 Good morning, oh what a beautiful morning it is! I love cotton ball clouds slowly drifting way up yonder in the sky, the contrast of the vibrant blue and the white is beauty to my eyes! We are at 68 degrees, a bit of a breeze has the trees in dance, amazing,,,,just amazing! I can not even begin to imagine how "paradise" will be!
     In prayer this morning I prayed my usual prayers, I pray them each morning but never in a routine manner, I do  not want you to think that it is, I pray each morning pretty much the same prayer but always from my heart not just from my mouth! There are just prayers that have to be said daily that are very general but that need safety, security and blessings! I then look at my prayer requests from the night and morning, thank God for them, this morning I am humbled to announce 41 requests, I am just so humbled and honored that other come to me to life prayers! I go through and pray over each and every request and send the prayers straightway back to the ones in need. I read facebook and pray when I see the call for prayer! I open my eyes and see where there is need whether it be asked for or not!
    I pray this morning also that you know you are loved, that you know your are appreciated and you know that anything is possible when you allow God to reside in your hearts! Have a beautiful day my friends!
     This morning there was a post from a grandfather asking for prayer for his granddaughter who was struck and injured by a vehicle, let us please get "on bended knees" and pray for her, this is his message..

Want to ask for everyone to agree with me for a miracle concerning my grand daughter who was hit by a car on 9/23/2011, she is still in ICU in Houston with brain trama. She was struck at approximately 50 mph...her name is Savanah and I'm asking that all would agree with me for a creative. miracle. Thanks n GBU!...

Please join me in prayer for this child, let us stand humbly before God and ask that he lay his healing hands upone her head, that he touch all of the affected parts and make a mighty miracle take place, that he bring her out of the condition she is in and heal her 100% God we are on our knees praying humbly for this miracle, that you make Savanah strong and show her the way back to health, that you hold her and gently nudge her forward, back to her family and friends! Father if it be your will we stand in humility, arms lifted to you to show us your love and your compassion! Allow your strength to be the strength she is in need of as well as the strength her family and friends are in need of to stand at this time. I ask these mercies humbly in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, amen. 

Also I have been directed to a like of a young woman in need of prayer, I would like to place the link here and allow you all to read her story and if you feel compelled to assit in any way that you let God lead your hearts.

this young womans mother is a friend of mine on facebook and is pleaing for any help that might be given, I ask that you join me in prayer over her asking God to bless her with a miracle. 

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