Carried any Donkey's lately?

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Hebrews 11:6

Good evening and a wonderful Wednesday to all. It has been another gloomy day, a bit of snow has fallen off and on today but nothing of any great depth. It has been bitterly cold as the humidity has aided in a greater chill of our 27 degrees! I wish to congratulate the winners of Biggest Loser and ask God to continue to bless them with strength, will and resistance. 

In prayer this evening I got down on bended knees and asked God to bless each of you with peace, calm and comfort. I asked Him to take your pains, your troubles, your worries, your illnesses, and all things that are negative and to hold them for you leaving you with only room for positive in your life. I asked God to hold those dear in your heart in his loving arms, to be a shield of protection for them in all that they do and to continue to bless them each day with his love and guidance. I thank you Father for loving me, for blessing me, for giving me the hurdles that you give, for picking me up when I stumble and for keeping me from falling. I thank you Father for allowing me room to grow, for overseeing my mistakes and gently nudging me when I need to step back and take a second look at the choices I make. I thank you for the wonderful people in my life, for the gift of being inspired by others and for the knowledge when I should back away and let you take over. I love you with all of my being and praise your name on high. I ask blessings upon those I love, I ask mercy upon those I love and I ask you to always be with the ones I love. I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savoir. Amen.

Tonight's story is another great one! I pray that you enjoy it! 

You Can't Please Everyone

An old fable that has been passed down for generations tells about an elderly man who was traveling with a boy and a donkey. As they walked through a village, the man was leading the donkey and the boy was walking behind. The townspeople said the old man was a fool for not riding, so to please them he climbed up on the animal’s back. When they came to the next village, the people said the old man was cruel to let the child walk while he enjoyed the ride. So, to please them, he got off and set the boy on the animal’s back and continued on his way. In the third village, people accused the child of being lazy for making the old man walk, and the suggestion was made that they both ride. So the man climbed on and they set off again. In the fourth village, the townspeople were indignant at the cruelty to the donkey because he was made to carry two people. The frustrated man was last seen carrying the donkey down the road.

We smile, but this story makes a good point: We can’t please everybody, and if we try we end up carrying a heavy burden. Well-meaning Christians may offer us advice, and much of it is valuable. But when we try to do everything other believers want us to do, we can easily become frustrated and confused. That’s why we need to remember that the One we must please above all others is Christ. And we do that by obeying God’s Word. Carried any donkeys lately? You don’t have to if you’re trying to please Jesus.

~Author Unknown~

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