Who Are You Little Baby?

Good evening and happy Friday night, I pray your day has been a fun filled one, and that you are taking time for a little relaxation this evening!
In prayer this night I said my normal, usual nightly prayers, asking God to bless each of us with our particular needs, to take this deep sadness from my heart and replace it with happiness and joy. I have never had such a difficult time getting in the holiday spirit! I know I will see my sweet daughter soon, will get to rub her belly and speak gently to my unborn grandchild, I guess knowing I will see her soon is causing me to want it right now...today!!!!!!! I asked God to bless each of us with good health and with joy inside. Thank you Father for loving me even when I am a big bood, even when I seem to be at the bottom of the barrel, I come to you and ask you to lift me on high. In the name of Jesus I ask mercy, favor and blessing for all! Amen.

I love this writing, love, love, love it! I hope you do as well! 

Who are you Little Baby?

Who are you little baby? Who are you little Christ child, lying so quietly in manger straw? Who are you that angels should herald your presence and stars announce your birth? That wisemen and shepherds -- the high and the low -- should bow before you? Who are you, child of Bethlehem, son of David? What is your future? What is your promise?
Seven centuries before your birth the ancient Scriptures speak of you.

For to us a child is born,
To us a son is given,
And the government will be on his shoulders,
And his name will be called
Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and of peace
There will be no end.*
What is this government? What is this peace, O Christmas baby? Are you a warrior-to-be? Are you a king? What promise do you hold?

How can you be the Mighty God while flecks of straw, blown from the stable floor, dot your fine hair? How is this?

How can you be the Everlasting Father while not yet an hour old? How is it?

How can you be a Wonderful Counselor before you've learned? A teacher before you've been taught? What is the wellspring of your wisdom?

What is this mystery set before us, enigmatic newborn lying in a stable manger, born of parents poor, yet destined for this greatness? You must be the One we've hoped for, longed for all our lives. The One who will set us free from our depressions and oppressions, within and without.

Little wonder angels cannot contain their Good News of Great Joy. Little wonder heavenly host sing in chorus,

Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to men....**
Be my peace, O Prince of Peace. Let its gentle, joyful blanket comfort my nervous soul, and still the warring of your earth.

Be my government, O Christ. Govern not my own heart only, but also this desperate world in which I live.

Be my Everlasting Father and my Counselor. By your counsel guide me out of confusion and turmoil into the sunlight that always shines above my low-lying clouds.

Welcome, Christ child. All my life I have needed you. O Child of Promise, this Christmas morning I give to you my heart. Amen.

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