Verse of the Day
For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.
—1 Peter 1:23
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Words are powerful! They can maim, wound, and debilitate. They can also bless, encourage, and inspire. When those words are God's Word, they are even more important. God's Word -- the Scriptures, the Gospel-- is not only truth, but it is life! Alive and enduring, God's Word imparts life to us and gives us his message of eternal life. It tells us of his grace and teaches us how we can be born again. Let's not take it for granted... or neglect its message... or remain silent about its truth.
My Prayer...
Almighty and Eternal God, thank you for speaking to us through human words. Thank you for your Gospel that gives us the message of Jesus and your salvation for us in him. Please fuel my hunger to know your Word more fully and to live it more completely. Thank you for giving me a source of truth that is reliable, stable, and enduring. In the name of Jesus, your living Word, I pray. Amen.
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