I sing, and I sing, and I sing some more!!!

Good evening my friends, it is once again almost time for biggest loser, I have not been reporting my weight but am pleased to announce that I have lost 15 lbs since the holidays so I am a happy camper and am keeping on keepin on...

In prayer this evening I had so many to pray for, I have seen need for prayer this entire day and have prayed right then and there when I saw a request. I pray for myself that I have not missed any and that you know that you are in our hearts. I thanked God that my friend Star, who endured another surgery, today, and am so thankful that she has not had any problems with this surgery and is fairing very well this evening. I asked God to bless each and every one of you with his love, his peace, his calm, his comfort and his strength. Please do join me in praying for the little boy who is being taken by life flight due to fluid on his brain, asking God to lay a healing hand on him, to take the fluid and show to us a miracle. May you feel Him in all that you do and may your light bring someone out of the darkness. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen....

I love the writing below, believe me I do not sound joyful when I sing and I am sure that others wish they had ear plugs..but still...I sing!!!!

A Joyful Noise

It has been a long time since anyone has enjoyed my singing. That is if never can be classified as a long time. While my singing voice sounds fine to me to others it is no treat. I have been told it is far too high and off key at times and that it sounds strangely soft and raspy as well. Even my speaking voice has been likened to Winnie the Pooh with a cold. 

I can remember as a boy in Church when my older brother nudged me so I wouldn’t sing the hymns so loud. In school I was never invited to join the choir or any band. Even when I used to sing lullabies to my children during their baby years I would get puzzled expressions instead of sleepy eyes. And often when I used to sing aloud in the house my dogs would join in and howl the melody. Finally, I decided that it would be best if I only sang aloud when I was alone. 

Still I sing. When I am walking outside by myself, I sing. When I am in the shower I belt out a tune or two. When I am driving my car and a great song comes on the radio I join right in. Even when I am mowing the lawn in the Summer and shoveling snow from the drive in the Winter I find myself pouring out all the love and joy in my soul through my voice. Even though it may not be pleasant to others’ ears, it still brings happiness to my heart. After all, God never asked us to make a beautiful noise, only a joyful one. 

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