Its my baby's birthday!!! One quarter of a century old...WOW!!!

Twenty five years ago, I was ready to pop with pregnancy, I was so excited to be seeing the doctor this day to see if he was going to go ahead and put me in to labor as I was a week late. At the doctors office during the exam I was told that I was in labor and that I most probably would deliver this day. I went home and made ready for stronger labor and going to the hospital. True to form the doctor was correct and off we went in the early evening...and then the most amazing, wonderful, can't describe, blessing of my entire life baby girl was delivered..she was beautiful, she was perfect and she was mine. I fell so in love with her and have never not loved her, she is the beat of my heart, she is the best friend a person can have, she is so filled with the spirit of our Lord, she has a strong testimony of Christ,
She is one amazing lady!! I could go on and on but I do not want to embarrass her with my praising banter. 

I wish you a happy birthday my love, this will be the last year that there is only May you will experience your life changing blessing and you will know what it is all about, what the tears (both happy and sad) are for,  you will understand how it hurts to see your baby hurt, you will understand the tears that fall when you watch your child take his first step, when he cuts his first tooth, when he gets his first will finally understand what true, unconditional love is. 

I love you so very much, I know you will be an amazing mom! 
May God bless you, Derek and baby Chalmers with only good things in your lives. 

Love , Mom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful blog, thank you so much for being a great mom and never letting me forget your love. I wish you were here to celebrate my day with me and give me a big hug but I know you are here in spirit. I love you mom and miss you terribly.