OH Father, thank you for my role in.....THE BIG SHOW!!!!!

Happy Sunday morning my friends, I pray your day is off to a great start and that you and yours are filled with love and joy today!

In prayer this morning, I sat out looking at the fresh blanket of snow that fell over night and gave a hearty sigh at the beauty of it. I thanked God for the cleansing.... as I always say a fence always looks the prettiest when it has a fresh white wash. I sat there for as long as I could before the shiver took over and I was forced to come inside, oh the solitude, the beauty, the peace....Father God I come to you this morning in humility, in awe of the beauty that you see fit to place before us each day, I thank you for always blessing me with your grace and love even when I in no way deserve it. Father I ask this day that  each person reading this will take time to be humbled as I am by the wonderful gifts that you lavish upon us. Father please touch the heart of the addicted this morning, I have been witness first hand this week  to the power and strength drugs, whether they be illegal or prescribed, can have over a person. Father today be the drug that replaces this, allow your promptings to be so great that there is no need for outside "fullfillment" Father bless those who feel they have no purpose, who feel they need outside forces, bless them with calm and peace, Father take them in your  arms today and allow them comfort and "will" to overcome. God please continue to bless my friend Star who is a miracle to me, who continues to gain strength each day, who is beating her battle one moment at a time, hold her in your healing hands and continue to be her strength as she fights! I ask you to bless each and every one of my friends and family with peace in their hearts that they might know love, that they might feel your love and that they might share love. Bless them with calm that they might rest when they are weary, be level headed when they speak and be fair in their dealings. Bless them with comfort in their bodies that they might not feel pain today, that their minds are not clouded nor their bodies twisted. Father I ask for mercy, grace and the sweetest of blessings for all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The following read really made me think this morning...I did not get a leading part in the "Big Show" however the role I got is one I love. Thank you so much Father for giving me just the right part!!!!

The Big Show

When I was younger I loved taking part in the high school musicals. I loved the idea of performing in front of hundreds of people and I loved to sing. 

In one production, I auditioned like everyone else. My music teacher, who was also the music director for the show, was so convinced that I'd get a particular part that she had me sing for people who visited our classroom. 

We even rehearsed my songs. 

One day the show director pulled me aside. I was expecting to be offered the part. Instead he said, "Bob, I owe a favor to someone. I need to give the part to another boy." 

I had always been an "easy touch," a kid you could push around. If I had a quarter all my friends shared in the penny candy it bought. 

I walked to school with kids no one else had time for. 

I'd take the blame for something someone else did. 

But at that very moment when the director told me that I would lose because he owed someone a favor, I became bitter. 

I began hating music class. I complained that I didn't like what we were singing. My teacher didn't know why. She scolded me in front of the class and told me I had changed. She didn't know what I had been told. 

When they announced the finalists I was given a minor role. My ego fought with the idea. My pride struggled with having to do something I didn't think I should be doing. 

But I did it. 

The part I thought I had was a romantic lead who sang some of the most beautiful love songs. 

Looking back now I can see where my heart began to develop into being the "run on the beach with the balloons," "sail off into the sunset," "Old Romantic" I am today. 

It turns out that the minor role I had was much more fun. I and a friend got to play opposite one of the leads, dance a few times and, as it turned out, I got to step into the spot light for a few bars and surprise even my brother who was in the audience. 

In what I always refer to the "Disneyland in my mind," I always wished that life was like a musical. There would be great lavish scenes where everyone around you would break into dance, just when you needed to open your heart to someone. 

There would be dramatic, heart breaking goodbyes complete with the most wonderful music, but always, always a happy ending. 

As I have gotten older I have had to close a few of those rides in my "Disneyland." Reality has set in and I struggled to fit into "Fantasyland." 

Don't worry. I still have those child-like "Goofy" moments. I just don't stay there as long as I once did. 

I've learned something from all if that. 

Life is really like a play and although we did not audition for the role, each of us were appointed by the Director to play a certain part in it. 

The problem is we sometimes don't like the part we were given. Like me in high school we become bitter and arrogant. We decide that if we can't have the lead, we won't show up for rehearsal. 

Then we wonder why we feel so lost. 

Sometimes we don't even feel like we are a part of the "Big Show." 

Everyone does indeed have a role. Some in front of the curtain, some behind, but all are necessary in order for the show to go on.

All contribute to the success no matter how minor the part. 

If you are feeling lost, disconnected, why not show up for the rehearsal or call on the Director for a one on one. 

By the way. It had bothered me all these years that my music director thought I had changed. I carried the image of that moment in my mind all the way through until last year at age 61. 

By God's Grace, Miss Dorothy Turner is still alive. I called her one day and explained everything to her. I asked for her forgiveness. She forgave me. 

Since then I reopened a few of those rides. 

Come join me. Admission is free. 

Oh, and "Places everyone!" The curtain went up again this morning on "The Big Show." 

"If you can't be a pine at the top of the hill,
be a shrub in the valley. But be the best little
shrub on the side of the hill.
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.
If you can't be a highway, just be a trail.
If you can't be a sun, be a star.
For it isn't by size that you win or fail.
Be the best of whatever you are."

From the estate of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - The Seattle Times.

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