taking a turn for the worse...here we go again!!! PLEASE PRAY WITH ME...

Boy I tell you, things can change in a matter of hours, my sweet friend Star has once again taken a turn for the worse, she has developed more blood clots, in the eye and in her breasts, she has had to be returned to a ventilator and is now having to fight, fight, fight. She is so tired, her little body is frail and she is struggling so. Please join me in prayer for her and feel free to add prayer for her if you will. Miracles can happen and we are praying for a miracle. Father God please hear our prayers, please allow her to feel our love and our will for her to continue to fight. Father allow your strength to be hers as she is running so low, allow your will to be hers as she is so tired. Take her in your loving arms and comfort her, calm her fears and allow her to rest as you lay your healing hands upon her, take the blood clots from her body and begin to allow her to heal. Comfort her family father that the continue to rally around her, that their love for her be received. I ask mercy and favor in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen..

Find Refuge in God

Psalm 91:3-4

For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence; he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.

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