We would be honored to pray with/for you!!!

Submit your PRAYER REQUEST here....

we stand at the ready to pray with and for you!!! If you have need for special prayer, we welcome you!!!   Leave the request in the comment section.... 


Anonymous said...

Pray 4 me 2 liv a healthy lyf witout fear of d bad spiritz!. GOD made me righteousnes as himslf

Dawn said...

Father God, I come to you on bended knees asking for your shield of protection to wrap around this person reaching out for you, hold him in your arms and allow him to feel your love and your approval of him. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Anonymous said...

I am feeling a bit helpless these days. My sister is really having some tough days right now. So with that said, I ask you to pray for both of us. I want to be doing and saying the right things but not enabling her in a negative way. I also want her struggle to meet the needs of her children as well as her own needs to become as easy as can be for all of their sakes. We are coming up on a year since her husband, died. It seems as though the mountain has gotten higher and we are no where near the top. Thank you in advance and God Bless you and yours.

Dawn said...

Father we come to you on bended knees this very hour asking for your knowledge and your help, our sister is dealing with the loss of her husband and is having a very difficult time. We ask you to lay a blanket of understanding over her, allow her sweet husbands spirit to comfort her and allow her heart to totally accept that although each passing day has felt like years and her lonliness and longing feels unbearable..that it is but a moment in time and that the end will justify the means. Father lay a comforting hand upon her and allow her to rest in your arms for as long as it takes for her to begin to heal, give her strength for herself and her children and guide her into the direction that will be best for each of them. Father cloth her with your robes and allow a healing in her broken heart, allow a peace in her that will flow to her children and allow each of them to feel your love and your support. Father bless her family, who are at loss for words, who no longer know what to say, who need your divine guidance. Father we know that all things are of you, that your will is always done and that there is an answer for each event, we ask you to shine light into these hearts so that they can see. In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ we ask for mercy and tenderness. Amen.