when my life is over...I want our Father to say; "Well lived, well laughed, and well loved!"

Happy Tuesday to you and yours, I pray your day has started off on a great note and that it gets better and better the whole day through. It is raining/snowing here this morning but the sun is trying really hard to shine, shine, shine...so I am hoping the storm will be moving out!

In prayer this morning I thanked God for the wonderful miracles he has been allowing us to stand witness to, for the healing hands he has been laying and for the love and compassion he gives us on a daily basis. I have not heard the outcome of Star's surgery this morning and will update as soon as I do, please continue to pray for her so that she can come home soon and begin the process of rehabilitation. Please pray with me for a young man who is having knee surgery this morning that he heal and rehab quickly so that he is back to 100%. I ask you Father to watch over my friends to keep them in your shield of protection and to provide them with peace in heart, calm in mind, and comfort in body! In the name of Jesus Christ I ask these blessings. Amen

I came across the little writing below and stand in total agreement with it...what do you think???

Music Of The Heart

When my children were babies I spent many hours feeding them, changing them, bathing them, and dressing them. Yet, all of these hours combined are probably still less than the time I spent trying to make them laugh. From tickling toes, to belly blows, to making faces, to weird noises there was no limit to what I would do to hear the sweet sound of laughter coming from their tiny mouths. Their laughter brought such joy to my ears and my soul. It was so musical, so delightful, and so contagious that I found myself joining in every time I heard it. It made me think that this is what Heaven must sound like at times. 

I have never understood the fact that as we grow older we tend to laugh less and less when instead we should be trying to laugh more and more. Laughter brings beauty to our faces. It reverses our wrinkles. It exercises our insides. It keeps us young. Laughter clears our thoughts. It wipes out our worries. It reduces our fears. It puts our problems in perspective. Laughter helps our souls to sing. It sets our spirits to soaring. It makes us sound like angels. It helps us to see the world through the eyes of love. 

I am going to do my best to keep laughing all of my days here. I am going to keep my mind open for all the joys each day may bring. When my days are done I want my laugh lines deep enough to drive a truck in. When my life here is over I want to hear our Heavenly Father say: "Well lived, well laughed, and well loved!" 

A good friend of mine recently sent me a framed saying. It says: "Laughter is the music of the heart." I hope then that you always fill your heart with music. I hope that your days are full of giggles, grins, chuckles, and belly laughs. I hope that you laugh and love your way all through this life and right into Heaven.

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