your life might not change in 53 seconds but the warm feeling you get in sharing is good for the heart and soul!

Good Thursday evening. I pray your day has been a good one, and that love and joy are in the air for you and yours. I do not have an update at this time on my friend but would so appreciate you continuing to pray for her she is in great need of a miracle.

In prayer this evening I prayed my normal, usual prayers asking for peace, calm and comfort for each of you. I thanked him for all of the blessings in my life, for a daughter that I love so very much and for an unborn grandson that has already captured my heart, for the goodness in my friends and for the love and gentle hand that Wayde gives me on a daily basis. I am so very bless with  my friends and with my family. Thank you Father for seeing the good in me and forgiving me when I make poor choices. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask for mercy and favor for each of us. Amen.

I was reading today and came upon this little story,  at the end of reading it all I could say was WOW. I am sure you are bugged at times as I am with the junk we get in e-mail form. I don't forward them but after reading this I just might every once in a while! God bless each of you....

"In 53 secs, really?"

I never, ever pass them along. When I first started getting such things I simply ignored them. 

They are messages that usually end with something like, "If you love God send this to 10 people." Or, "If you support our soldiers..." "Believe in Jesus..." 

Then the wrap up..."Expect a gift of great value within 24 hrs." 

Then there's the real difficult one, "Send this on to people you care about, including me." 

I never do it. I never feel like I need to profess anything. I never believe that by not doing so, I am saying I don't believe, love, admire, trust, appreciate anyone mentioned. 

Truthfully I have not been in a good way lately. I sat down at my computer and the first email was "53 secs" 

It had this beautiful (shown above) picture and the words, "God told me to tell you that everything you're going through is taken care of. If you believe in Him send to 8 people. And in 53 secs watch who calls" 

Most likely it was because I was struggling that I did it. I went through my personal address book and found 8 people. I could have, I wanted to, add more. But I thought if I am going to do this for the first time, I am going to do exactly what it told me to do. 

I sent it out. I actually held a stop watch and pressed the button. 

The seconds flew by 10, 20, 30, 50, 51...52...53. 


Did I get angry? No. 

Was I disappointed? No, not at all. 

So, what was the point? I was in such a way that I needed to express my concern for others and I needed at least 8 people to know I thought of them. 

I also felt good. I didn't get a call. I got a good feeling. 

So, here's what I decided to do. 

I am sending this to you because God told me to tell you that you are a remarkable example of His work. He knows that you are facing challenges in your life at this very moment. He knows, before you do, that everything will work out. No matter how big or how small your pain is, He is lifting you up with the very hands that created you. Yes, you will still struggle, but not for long. Yes, He could very easily wipe it all away, but He won't. 

Why? Why would God let you struggle? Because He loves you. 

"What kind of love is that?" you might ask. 

If you are a parent you already know. 

If you are in love or ever have loved anyone or any living thing you know that love. 

It's the kind of love that lets you grow. It's the kind of love that hurts Him more than it hurts you because as much as you are loved, making everything perfect and all right, is not the loving thing to do. Life's lessons are learned by fighting back, standing up when you fall down and wiping away tears when it hurts so bad. 

In the end you are made stronger. 

So, my friend, "everything you are going through is taken care of." 

Don't send this to anyone. It was meant only for you. After reading it nothing grand will happen. No money will fall into your hands unexpectedly. No one will call in 53 seconds. 

This is yours all yours. 

God loves you and be do I. 

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