Can you even imagine what HE must have in store for us in heaven????

The Creator as an Artist

low clouds over a volcano
the world going to sleep
very interesting patterns
the world wakes up
 water at work
 Niagara falls at night
 one most Westerner's are familiar with
 Bryce Canyon~~how majestic
light strokes of a paint brush
 the high road and the low road
 winter in the Smokies
 at first looks like a flower
 quiet after the storm

 so amazing
 a dandelion covered with dew~~unimaginable
 I'm not sure why people want to climb these, can you see the man on the peak? 
What a beautiful world God made for his children!! Can you even imagine what He must have in store for us in Heaven if He did THIS on earth???

In prayer this evening I give my heartfelt thanks to God for the beauty he sets before us each and every day, and yes "I can only imagine" I pray the each of us be blessed with peace, love, calm, comfort and much strength in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen...

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