Forgiving someone is the hardest thing to do

Good morning and happy Tuesday, if your day was a woe filled one yesterday I pray you have awaken to a joy filled one today. It is beautiful here in Utah this morning, nothing but blue skys and birds singing. We hit 99 yesterday and are supposed to be much the same today. I am so thankful for this little air conditioner I have in my little home, it does a dandy good job at keeping the heat out! My dogs are laying around my feet this morning, Sundance (golden retriever) is making his own little music, snoring and happy to be cool as well. I pray your day is as amazing as you are and if you have forgotten how amazing that is, stop and look in the mirror, you are a child of God and he made you so how could you be anything but?? Great day to each of you:) 

In prayer this morning I asked God to watch over each of you, to be a shield of protection if anything of harm gets in your path. I asked God to provide for you any needs that you might have today so that the stress is off of your shoulders. I asked Him to continue to bless the little one that we did mass prayer for last night, holding this baby during the surgery today and allowing the surgeon's to see if there is any life left in the brain, I asked him to comfort the family as they stand in wait for news from the dr. 
Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ I ask you for peace in our hearts, calm in our minds and comfort in our bodies, help us to get rid of anger and to pray for those who try to come between You and me. I love you and ask these mercies and favors. Amen.

Forgiving someone is the hardest thing to do.
Heal your own heart by understanding that the grudge that you are holding is putting more pressure on you than it is them. Forgiving doesn't mean that you have forgotten what happened but you are willing to let it go. Stop wasting energy talking or telling others about the situation. Constantly talking about a situation adds fire to an already uncomfortable problem. The more you talk about something the worse you feel.
Anger will take over your heart and you will become bitter. Bitterness has the ability to take more from your life than what you could have imagined. Allowing bitter thoughts to overtake you will put you in a situation to lose friends and family.
Forgive someone who has offended you by accepting that they don't understand or can't see what they've done. You blaming them won't change them if they can't see it for themself.
Learning to forgive releases you from being eaten away at the core of your soul.
Pain is one of the reasons you tend to not forgive someone. Feeling sorry for yourself because of what you feel. Pain is like an anchor to a life of misery, that's why it's so important to forgive. A person who is anchored can't move forward to better things. You will continue to be stuck in a place of pitty and the pain eats away at you physically.

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