11 years ago today...I WAS....

11 years ago this morning I was sitting at work...had gone in early to get some things done before the hustle and bustle of hospital life began...I was sitting at my desk and received a phone call from my sweet daughter asking me if I was listening to the news, "a plane just crashed in to a building in NYC....as we were on the phone she said..."oh my God mom, another plane just crashed into another building" I told her to let me go out into the lobby and turn on the television so I could see what was going on...I hung up and my phone rang again, this time it was my mom telling me that my dad had passed away. I was overcome with fear and with pain in my heart. I stumbled out to the lobby of the hospital and turned on the television. Several employees that were coming out of the cafeteria stopped to see what was going on...more and more collected holding their heads in disbelief, mouths agape with wonder, tears streaming down their faces in the horror of what we were witnessing. I stood silently and cried, I cried for my mom and my siblings at the loss of my dad, I cried for the ones who stood on the street in NYC staring in disbelief at what they were witnessing, I cried for the ones in the buildings for the fear they were experiencing, I cried for our country being under attack, I cried, and cried, and cried some more. I remember going back to my desk, laying my head down and sobbing. 

Not very good memories I know, the next few days were a blur, having to drive from Utah to Texas because all air traffic was shut down, listening to the reports of chaos over and over on the radio, feeling so very sad each time "proud to be an American" played on the radio. My dad was a very faithful member of the VFW, having served in WW11, he loved this country and all that it stood for. I like to think of him with his VFW hat on when I hear Lee Greenwood singing that song. I was just so happy that he did not have to hear about, or stand witness to all the pandemonium that was taking place right before our very eyes. I still get very emotional when I hear this song, I still get teary eyed when I see fire works, I stand in awe when I see the huge American flags waving freely in our city. I love this country and pray for it to prosper. I pray that we as a nation will once again regain all that she used to be, that we will continue to stand up for what is right and for what it was once based on. We have got to get back to the basics of life and begin to be "free" once again. Our nation was built on faith...it was supported and structured by God....we have to bring HIM back into the equation, we have to let freedom ring, we have to take a stand even when we are being knocked down..WE HAVE TO STAND UNITED!! The only good thing that came out of the attack of our nation was the fact that people laid down their "haughty" ways, the pettiness, the ugliness and picked up UNITY, they forgot what their neighbor drove, they forgot who had better jobs, who wore nicer clothes, they laid religious differences aside, the became one...WE HAVE TO BECOME ONE, ONCE AGAIN....We have to get our priorities straight and figure out what is important in our lives. Let us all stand together this day and make a pact that we will join hands, we will allow God back in and we will stand strong to bring back what our country once was. 

I would like to close this blog this morning with this quote.....

Remembering 9/11: Tonight, I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve, for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and security has been threatened. And I pray they will be comforted by a power greater than any of us, spoken through the ages in Psalm 23: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me.” --President George W. Bush September 11, 2001.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember it as you describe it. I was on the phone with your sister Missy Telling me about your Dad. I will never forget that day