A horse can be led to water but they cannot be made to drink.

Good morning and happy Thursday, I pray that in waking this morning, just as you opened your eyes that you gave a hearty sigh of thanks that you have been given another day to serve our Father in heaven. In prayer this morning I asked God to bless you in abundance, to see your needs and to provide for you what is needed to take your stress and allow you to stand witness to his amazing grace and mercy. I asked him to place each of us in a situation today where we would be able to at least share his name and be example of his goodness and love. He will place us where he has need for us, we must see with our hearts and let his love fall from our actions. Are you with me???? Let us all, each and everyone, share with someone in need~~compassion, kindness, and love~~~

After watching the presidential debate last night, I feel more sure of what America is in need of to become UNITED again. One thing I know for sure and that was validated on facebook last night...If you are going to talk Religion or Politics you need to have the facts and be ready for a showdown. I do not share my thoughts here as this is not the type of blog I wish to have. My blog is for peace, calm, and comfort, my blog is to share things that are inspirational and uplifting and at this point of the campaign I do not see either. We just need to realize that WE are who it will take to bring this country to standing upright again. It is not a he, or a she, or an I...it is WE. I have some pretty big opinions and thoughts but have learned in life we cannot shove anything down anyone else's throat without causing problems...What we can do is PRAY for our Father in Heaven that he open the eyes of all of us to what is needed in our lands to bring us back together, we can PRAY that all hearts be touched and softened, all eyes be opened, and all who are so huffily trying to sway others can be given rest. A horse can be led to water but they cannot be made to drink. Instead of ranting, raving, pushing, shoving, and becoming enraged today...stop, drop and pray. Pray for truth, justice, and the American way, pray for eyes and ears to be opened, pray for our country to have a renewal and a rebuilding and then trust in God for the right man to be sworn in as our commander and chief. 

Please do continue to pray with me for the little one who is willing for him mommy to wake up from her coma, for the one who has lost her way in life and needs to be free once and for all from her addictions, please pray for the safety of all that I love and know that I am praying for each and every one of you. Have a beautiful day my beautiful friends. You are important, you are appreciated and you are LOVED!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so true. We really need to pray people. and quit talking