"Seven days without prayer, makes one weak."

Good morning and happy, happy, Friday! I pray this morning is a good one for you and that you and yours are eager to have a weekend to share together and to relax. Don't forget to take some time for YOU, because YOU are so very important! 

I wish to take a moment to thank each of you for the prayers yesterday, it is amazing when you can call out for extra prayers and so many drop what they are doing and lift you and the situation to our Father in heaven. I am humbled each and every time that I do see this outpouring of love and compassion from so many. 
I cannot even begin to tell you with both hands and feet how many times prayer has guided me through the storms of life, how many time I was at the very bottom of the ocean and prayer guided me to push off and rise back to the top. I have been in the darkness so many times feeling so unworthy of life, I have been so down that I could not even imagine that there was a way up. Please if you do not do anything else today, drop to your knees and pray...Pray for the ones battling sickness and disease, pray for the ones battling finances, pray for the ones suffering loss of loved ones, pray for the ones leading our country, pray for your church leaders, pray for broken relationships....pray, pray, pray, there is always someone in need! I am so very thankful for the freedom to pray whenever and wherever!! Just like in the song "never let your praying knees get lazy..." 


It has been said that,
"Seven days without prayer, makes one weak."

Sometimes you hear someone say,
"We've done all we can.
The only thing we can do now is pray."
Prayer really should be our first resort rather than our last resort.

Jesus gave us the Lord's Prayer,
as a model prayer and Jesus himself
often went off to pray, setting an example
for us to do the same.

In Matthew 14:23, it says,
"And when He had sent the multitudes away,
He went up into a mountain apart to pray:
and when the evening was come,
he was there alone." (KJV)

If Jesus needed to go off and pray, how much more do we need to?
Praying should not be something we do out of duty and routine.
Prayer is talking and listening to our loving,
all knowing, heavenly Father.

The book of James tells us to pray for wisdom
when we don't know what to do (James 1:5).

In Philippians 4:6,7,
prayer is connected with receiving God's peace.

In Ephesians 6:18,
prayer is a very important part of battling the forces of evil.

We are also told to pray for those in Authority over us 
(I Timothy 2:1,2).

Prayer shows our dependence on God,
His power and His wisdom.
Prayer is powerful and so important.

Studies have been done in the medical field
showing the power of prayers.
They used two groups of people to observe the difference between
the group that was being prayed for and the group that wasn't.

There was a marked difference in the recovery of those who were 
being prayed for, and they weren't even told that they were being prayed for.

Most hospitals realize the importance of prayer in the healing process 
for their patients, and welcome pastors and chaplains to be a part of the
 healing team.

It has been said that,
"If you are too busy for God, you are too busy."

In the midst of our busyness let's remember how much we need God
and need prayer and make a daily practice
and our first resort instead of our last. 

Go forth this day and share in prayer with all you see, let them know that because of Father God and Jesus Christ that there is love in your heart and that you are walking in HIS footsteps to paradise! I wish you love!!!!!

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