this little light of mine~~~ I'm gonna let it shine~~~

Good morning and happy Sunday...first I have to shout it out~~~GO TEXANS~~~okay now I can commence in writing...Unfortunately I will have to listen to the game on the computer today as it is not being broadcast.....

I pray your day is going well and that you are excited for Thanksgiving...I wish for you a week filled with wonder and a Thanksgiving day with family and friends! Hug your family each and every day and never let them doubt your love for them.

In prayer this morning I asked God to guide me with words as to what he needed to have said I sat there in the silence wrapped in his loving arms I was impressed with the feeling that I needed to talk about being the light to someone in darkness. There are so many going through so much right now, our country seems to be in a shambles, there is so much dissension, so  much fear, so much anger, so much can any of us no be affected by all of this mania? I see death each and every day, I see people battling disease, I see so many suffering heartache and heartbreak, I see so many clawing just trying to stay above water....I see so much sadness and woe. Every thing I read in the news is negative, so many I see while I am out and about are looking at the ground as they walk, shoulders rounded, back slightly stooped as if they are walking to the gallows, I see frowns, frowns, frowns as if there is nothing to be happy about, I see others and myself feeling there no happiness???? Now I am not talking about everyone, I do see uplift and inspiration, I do see ones who have overcome the ugly in the world, I do see the ones who find good in most everything and who give thanks for each and every thing in their lives, even when things are not working out the way they wish it would, they still find good and feel blessed. I try everyday to find something good, it really is not that difficult, just look around you, God lays little treasures at our feet no matter where we trod, he is constantly throwing beauty around but many times we are so intent at keeping pity and pain in our hearts that we don't even see! Today instead of concentrating on what I do not have, on what I cannot do, on what I am lacking in...I am going to light my candle, my internal candle and I am going to seek out those who are in need of a light, I am going to share mine in the hopes that their heart wick will be alit and that they can move forward and share their light where there is need. So if you are feeling like you are in the dark, if you are in need of a little light...I am here and am glad and eager to share with you....I pray that you will do the same, we all have the light of Christ within, sometimes we just need a little extra boost getting ours lit!

Now I have the song...this little light of mine on my mind!!! I'm gonna let it shine!!! :) 

I wish for you a day filled with grins and giggles!!!

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