I once was going to write it down... But never found the time' ...

Good morning and happy "tank filling day" you know me and my saying, be sure and fill that spiritual tank today so you have enough to get you through the trials of this coming week! It is a beautiful but very cold morning here in Utah, we got a bit of snow...about 1 inch last evening and the sun shining down on it this morning is stunning, like little diamonds have been thrown all over the ground! Soon the snow will be gone and but the cold is supposed to remain the entire week! It is 18 degrees out at the moment but we should hit 35 later today! YIPPEE:)

I came across this in an email someone sent to me and after reading it had to share, we all tend to get caught up in the day to day dealings and sometimes do not take time for our Creator...we all get so busy with "life" that we forget to take time for the one that gave us "life" so today after you read this I pray you will take the cue and give GOD some of your time, don't wait until it is to late as we are not promised anything more than the moment we are in right now! 
May you be blessed with a beautiful day, may you give your love freely today and may blessings be in abundance for you and yours!!!

The Poem 
I knelt to pray but not for long, 
I had too much to do. 
I had to hurry and get to work 
For bills would soon be due. 
So I knelt and said a hurried prayer, 
And jumped up off my knees.. 
My Christian duty was now done 
My soul could rest at ease...... 
All day long I had no time 
To spread a word of cheer 
No time to speak of Christ to friends, 
They'd laugh at me I'd fear.. 
No time, no time, too much to do, 
That was my constant cry, 
No time to give to souls in need 
But at last the time, the time to die 
I went before the Lord, 
I came, I stood with downcast eyes. 
For in his hands God held a book; 
It was the book of life. 
God looked into his book and said 
'Your name I cannot find 
I once was going to write it down... 
But never found the time' 

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