I don't know why I ever doubt HIM...

happy Wednesday, I pray this finds you happy and filled with love and joy. It is bitter cold here again today, a bit warmer than it has been but still bitter. I am spending the day with my g~baby Paul...he has a bit of a problem with controlling his anger and was suspended from school for the day. Kids are funny little creatures, I just love, love, love him so much, we sat and had a long talk about why God wishes for us to be good to others, we talked about the golden rule, about things he can do to keep control of his anger and things he can say to the kids who are calling him names. You think it might be a bit of bullying but it really is not, it is Paul who is very intolerant of noise and of fast movement and actions....I love this little man, he is so very intelligent and is so kind and loving to me! I pray and ask that you pray with me that he find a way to suppress his anger and place it in other areas of his life where it can do the most good, as in maybe becoming a lawyer and fighting for truth and justice.

My husband continues to be ill, last night he was running a high fever and was shivering with chills, the aches and pains in his joints were making him miserable and the stuffiness in his head and the soreness in his throat were almost intolerable. I felt so sad in having to leave him this morning but had already committed to tending Paul and could not let Taylor have to rely on finding a substitue teacher for her class. If I say I will do it....I will! Please lift Wayde in prayer for healing and comfort. 

This morning in prayer I was sitting in the quiet, having my one on one with God and I was thinking about all the good things in my life...I am sometimes brought to tears at the happiness and joy I feel, yes we struggle, we have had our times when we did not know where our next meal would come from, we sometimes worry ourselves sick that there is not enough gas to get Wayde to and from work for two weeks, but always, and I do mean always....God provides a way for us to make it. I can't tell you how many times I have sat in dispair filled with worry over things that have worked out in the end. I don't know why I ever doubt Him, I don't know why I get myself so worked up when the end product will be one that will work. It does not always work the way I wish for it to, but it does work to our advantage...So today the topic is DOUBT, I am sure it is human nature, it is instilled in each of us and it is a logical way of thinking..but when we have a relationship with God we have got to learn to allow the BELIEVE to out way....DOUBT. As hard as this may seem, this is going to be something I do on a daily basis, instead of whining and complaining that we are not going to make it, I am going to hold my head up and say....With you Father God, all things are possible and I know without a doubt that if it be your will for us to make it....we will! No more doubt for me....

I pray that you too have realized that when the times were the darkest, when the hurdles looked to high to jump and the road to bumpy to drive down that somehow, some way YOU MADE IT...it was God's will for you to make it and always will be if only you believe and have faith in HIM. I pray your day is filled with much love and joy and that you have a smile on your face and are sharing it everywhere you go. God bless you and yours with "enough!" 

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