Men cry too!!!!!

Good morning and happy Friday, this week flew by, maybe because of the break in the work week with having New Year's Day off. I hope the year does not fly by as fast, seems the older I get the quicker it goes...It is a very cold 4 degrees out this morning...I am so very thankful for my warm little apartment and the comfort I am feeling! 

This morning in prayer I asked God to guide me in my writing as I always do, I asked Him to show me the way that might touch someone in need, to bring light to darkness for someone and to allow my heart to feel compassion and to hear his promptings! After my prayer the topic of men came to my mind. I know this might sound odd, but I have been reading a lot of gripes and complaints about partners and husbands that I think are totally off base and unfounded. Men are only different in my eyes by the build of their bodies. Men have sensitivity just as we women do, men get their feelings hurt, they cry~~many times on the inside~~due to the taboo of" real men don't cry". Men have feelings and they have deep love just as women. I think a lot of times....well more times than most, men do not let their feelings show outwardly, they do not want to appear sensitive because it "lessens" them somehow. I am fortunate enough to be married to a sensitive man, a man who openly cries when things touch his heart. I am married to a man who is not afraid to express his feeling, to share his heart, to give compassion and to feel empathy toward those who are going through tough times. The hardest thing for me to get used to in meeting and becoming involved with Wayde was the fact that he is not afraid to show emotion. He is a very manly man, he is rough and tough when he needs to be but the difference between he and many is that he is also compassionate and not embarrassed to show his feelings!

I think many of us tend to fall into that "oh he is a man" and "he does not really have the feelings that women have!" Let us get out of this mindset right now, some of my best friends are men and I love the fact that I have shown them that it is okay to share emotions, to share feelings, to be "weak" I don't know why men feel that it is a sign of weakness to become emotional. Take a long look at your husband, is the only time you have seen him cry when he is suffering the loss of a loved one? Well I am here to tell you that is  not the only time he cries, he gets his feelings hurt just as you do, he feels frustrated and fear just as you do, he needs to be hugged and appreciated just like you do. I pray that you will take a long look at the men in your lives, including your sons and let them know it is okay to share emotions with you, that you will not laugh or think lesser of them, that in fact it will make you feel more love for them in seeing them share the real deep down in the gut feelings that they feel. If God has blessed you with a love in your life, nurture it, feed it, comfort it, and be mindful that "men cry to"

Note to men reading this: It is okay for you to show your emotions, it does not take from your value, in fact it adds much to your value. I know you feel that you are not understood many times in life, I know you feel that you always have to be the strong one, please just realize that you are human too, you do not have to be the tough one all of the time. Share with your mate and your family your true self, allow them to see that you have fear, you have pain, you have a heart that breaks will teach your sons that they do not have to be tough all of the time and will teach them that it is okay to be sensitive! It makes a huge difference in families when a father figure is not ashamed or afraid to share feelings! 

Father God I pray this day for men all over the world, that you might give them the gift of emotion and the ability to get passed the age old thought process that it is not okay to share your feelings, to express emotions, to show compassion. Father God hold all of the men in your loving arms this day, allow them to feel your love, allow them to express to you their fears and frustrations and teach them Father how to be more open with their families. I come to you asking these blessings in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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